Cotton has been a cornerstone of India’s agricultural heritage for thousands of years. The country has not only produced but also exported cotton, weaving a narrative of economic sustenance through this versatile crop. Often referred to as India’s ‘White Gold’, cotton is an intrinsic part of the nation’s agricultural and industrial identity.

Global Cotton Market Dynamics

The global demand for cotton only continues to grow. This can be attributed to the expanding applications and usage of cotton across diverse industries, including apparel, home furnishings, and industrial products. Additionally, cotton’s critical role in medicine, as seen in medical gauze, cotton swabs, and rolls, underscores its importance in healthcare. Cottonseed oil, a byproduct of cotton, is utilised in cooking, soap making, and cosmetics, showcasing the multi-faceted nature of this crop.

The ‘Kasturi Cotton’ Initiative

As India surges ahead, ‘Indian Cotton’ is ready to take centre stage in the global cotton industry substantiating in the process, the invaluable efforts of all the stakeholders in developing the value chain.

The rationale behind the Indian government’s decision to turn cotton into a brand under ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ initiative, primarily is to enhance the international perception and valuation of Indian cotton by positioning ‘Kasturi Cotton’ as a reliable and competitively priced quality product, both in domestic and global markets.

By branding Indian cotton, it was felt that additional value will be generated across the textile value chain. It is also expected that predetermined standards and specifications would improve significantly, matching imported cotton. In turn, the farmers will get better value for their produce, thereby motivating them to adopt the best agricultural practices, resulting in higher yield and production. This should reduce the dependency on imports for high-quality cotton.

Thus, the pivotal role of cotton in the Indian economy and the opportunity to establish a premium brand of Indian cotton that would occupy a place of pride and prestige internationally was recognised and the process commenced with the designing of the logo and registering of the Trade Mark. Simultaneously, the specifications defining the Kasturi brand of cotton were also finalised.

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Further to this, the textile industry along with the leading trade bodies and Export Promotion Councils came forward to partner with the government to implement the branding project in line with global practices. Pursuant to this, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI), a Mini Ratna company, on behalf of the Ministry of Textiles and The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (TEXPROCIL), the apex textile body on 15th December 2022 on the banks of the river Ganges in the holy city of Varanasi, entrusting the implementation of Branding, Traceability and Certification programme of Kasturi Cotton to TEXPROCIL. An escrow account has also been created with matching contributions from trade and industry on the one hand, and the government on the other.

Thus, Kasturi Cotton is truly a joint effort by the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, trade and industry in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode.

Quality Assurance through Benchmarked Parameters

Kasturi Cotton is not just an ordinary brand but is a specification-based Indian farm cotton brand, characterised by long staple cotton of 30 mm and 29 mm. Buyers are assured of quality, as the cotton must meet a set of benchmarked parameters, including micronaire value, RD value, fibre strength, uniformity index, trash, and moisture content. The programme employs a rigorous structure involving verification visits, audits, inspections, and sample drawal by NABCB certified agencies and NABL accredited laboratories for testing of samples. Certification is facilitated through a blockchain-based platform, employing QR codes for ensuring traceability and transparency.

Benefits of Kasturi Cotton

The ‘Kasturi Cotton’ programme aims to deliver an array of benefits to consumers, reinforcing its position as a premium cotton brand. These benefits include:

  • Softness of Fabric: Kasturi Cotton ensures a luxurious softness in fabrics, enhancing the overall comfort of the end product.

  • Lustre of Fabric: The cotton’s intrinsic qualities contribute to a natural sheen, elevating the fabric’s visual appeal.

  • Improved Colour Vibrancy: Fabrics made from Kasturi Cotton exhibit enhanced colour vibrancy, creating a more visually striking end product.

  • Increased Strength of Fabric: The inherent strength of Kasturi Cotton translates into durable and long-lasting fabrics, meeting the demands of modern consumers.

  • Increased Durability of Fabric: Durability is a key feature, ensuring that products made from Kasturi Cotton withstand the test of time.

  • Confirmation of Indian Origin: Kasturi Cotton proudly affirms its Indian origin, meeting the demands of traceability on the global stage.

  • Verifiable and Traceable Cotton: Leveraging blockchain technology across the value chain, Kasturi Cotton provides verifiability, traceability and conformation of Indian origin, instilling confidence in consumers regarding the product’s authenticity.

Charting Pathways to Progress

The encouraging response that Kasturi Cotton has received has prompted the programme to explore opportunities to further strengthen the brand. The Kasturi Cotton programme is being expanded to include cotton varieties of higher staple lengths viz. 32.5 mm onwards. This would broaden the programme’s offering of premium cotton by including Extra Long Staple (ELS) to meet the rising demand for luxury cotton products.

As part of its pathway to the future, the Kasturi Cotton programme is also planning to offer organic cotton that also meets the high-quality standards of the brand. This emphasis on superior quality and environment friendliness would make Kasturi Cotton the conscientious choice of consumers.

In anticipation of evolving legislative frameworks and consumer preferences, Kasturi Cotton is also looking at developing and propagating responsible practices that could address both the social and environmental aspects of sustainability. Kasturi Cotton aims not just to meet market demands but to redefine industry standards, paving the way for a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.