For over 30 years, OEKO-TEX® standards enable textile and leather companies as well as retailers and consumers to make responsible decisions for people and the planet. Once again, the international association has recorded positive business development.

In the past business year, the challenges faced by the textile and leather industries have intensified at an unprecedented pace. Legislative requirements, such as the US CERCLA ban on PFAS and the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, have compounded organisational demands and investment decisions. Concurrently, consumer uncertainty regarding greenwashing has grown, a concern addressed by the European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on Green Claims and the Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition Directive.

OEKO-TEX® is convinced that only through collaboration and collective action the necessary adaptation to these changes can be expedited. Therefore, in 2023/2024, the international association remained committed to its role as a partner to the industry and their stakeholders. This shows in the business development: Overall, OEKO-TEX® issued more than 50,000 certificates and labels between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.

Through the continual development of its modular system, OEKO-TEX® has supported both existing and new partners. Whether they relied on the annual updates to align their processes and products with the latest legal requirements and scientific findings, utilised OEKO-TEX® product labels for consumer information and education or embarked on their due diligence journey with OEKO-TEX® RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS, the 17 independent research and testing institutes provided steadfast support.