Petticoats have always been an integral part of the square dancing scene and will probably continue to be so as long as the pastime continues to thrive. The problem for members of the square dancing community however is locating reliable petticoat supplier in the first place. Petticoats and their creation are a rather specialized market to say the least and so it is essential that petticoat enthusiast should know and trust who they are dealing with when it comes to making that all important purchase.

There are plenty of outlets on the internet but most of them seem to be catering for a slightly different market. The garments they produce are aimed more at the fashion market or worse still those interested primarily in dressing up in feminine attire. Of course none of these garments are any where near suitable for the purpose of dance costume. Any square dancer worth their salt will tell you that it is all in the netting and the way that the petticoat is put together. If these are not done properly the desired effect will not be achieved whilst dancing. The skirt will not flare and rise in the correct manner and this in turn will diminish the overall look of the dance routine.

So what is the answer to the square dancers dilemma you may ask? Quality over quantity is possibly the best cliche that springs to mind. The mass produced and thrown together garments are totally unsuitable for square dancing although they are cheap to buy. The answer is to find either a skilled seamstress experienced in the art of petticoat making or search out a specialist dance wear supplier. There are fortunately plenty of both to be found on the internet.

The advent of online shopping has opened up huge global markets, which means that niche suppliers (such as petticoat makers) now have a steady stream of customers demanding their goods. Whereas at one time it would have been virtually impossible for these kind of business to survive they now flourish. This of course is great news for petticoat enthusiast who now have a far bigger choice of suppliers to choose from. Obviously with competition also comes value and the price of even the best quality petticoats has become even more affordable.

Square dancing for many will always be just a passing phase but for the true devotees of the pastime it is almost a way of life. For these people the dress is an essential part of their identity so it has to be spot on in every way. For them there is no second best when it comes to petticoats and only the authentic item will suffice. It is not uncommon for a true square dancing enthusiast to pay hundreds of dollars for an original vintage petticoat.

For those who are perhaps just trying out or learning it is perhaps not advisable to lay out lots of money until they are certain that square dancing and the outfit is something they wish to pursue more fully. Perhaps under such circumstances it may even be a good idea to purchase one of those cheaper imitation petticoats we spoke about earlier on. Then when they have decided that it's definitely for them the genuine article will be a must have part of their square dancing outfit.

square dancing, petticoats, square dancing petticoat, square dancers

About the author:

Kevin Moore owns and runs the petticoat disciples web site a great online resource for petticoat lovers and square dancers alike. Visit the site for more info at Petticoat Disciples

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