I am truly amazed as to the lack of information websites contain. You would think that a business would realize that a potential customer would at least like to know how to contact the customer service department. But, you'd be astonished at how many times I've actually come across NO information on the business except place your order here. That truly leaves the customer with a feeling of abandonment. Since I visit so many websites throughout the year, I wanted to list some of the top 10 things I look for when making the decision whether to purchase or not.
Number 1: Include some type of contact info.
You need to make sure the customer has some type of information to contact you after the sale. If you happen to work out of your home, think about getting a post office box or a mail station. I realize that still doesn't tell the customer your physical address, but it's always nice to know the city, state, or even country of the company involved. And by all means, add a phone number to this list.
Number 2: Update your website often.
If you list your copyright or other dated information, make sure it is changed on a regular basis and includes the current year. Nothing is more frightening than to purchase from a website selling e-books or software that is older than a few years old. It always makes me think I'm getting old information that was written for a different set of problems. Now I know that copyrights should have the year they were developed, but list the year it was established plus the current year. For example, list your copyright like this - 2000 - 2004. Customers won't enter their personal information (especially credit cards) on a site that looks like it's been abandoned. So, take a long look at your site and see if something needs to be freshened and brought up to date and then do it.
Number 3: Make your benefits clear.
Most companies will list the product or service features, but that doesn't tell a potential customer how this will help solve their problem. The best sites I've visited, not only list the features, but have a separate list detailing the benefits for each. It's easy to say you're the best in your field and you're the only ones that do this - whatever your this is, but go a step further and tell the customer what that means to them. In other words, what's in it for them? If you have trouble defining your benefits, ask the one person that would know best - your customers! If they are happy with your products or services, they will be able to tell you what problem it overcomes and the benefit they receive. Besides, what better way to find out how you're doing in servicing their needs?
Number 4: Watch for broken links.
How many times have you tried to click on a link and it goes nowhere? It's sometimes hard to believe that when we develop our websites and include working links, in a short period of time the links become broken. Why would this happen? Well, if other sites are like ours, they are always changing the information included on the site. In other words, the page link you have listed on your website might get renamed without the benefit of a redirect link attached. Then if your customer clicks on that link, they will be left to wonder just how old this information might be. The best way to stay on top of this is to check your links often and ask the visitors of your site to report back to you if they find a broken link.
Number 5: Make it easy to purchase.
If you're doing business on the internet, you'll need to have some way for your customers to pay. The best way is to accept credit cards. If you don't have a merchant account already, the easiest way to get set up immediately is through services like PayPal, Clink Bank, and 2Checkout. But, you still need to add other convenient ways to shop for those that prefer not to purchase online. Make sure you list a mailing address, a phone number, or even a fax number they can send their payments. You'd be surprised at the number of individuals and companies that would prefer to send their payment (even if it's a credit card purchase), rather than send their personal information over the internet.