Glamour, money and popularity is what the people of this particular industry are associated with . It is one industry that can even give the IT sector a competition in terms of business. With its hub located in the very beautiful city of Milan and with beautiful stars in its sky stands a separate world of the fashion industry .the fashion industry is responsible of making good things look better and better things look beautiful. It is an industry which is responsible for dressing up the humankind.

To understand the various aspects of the fashion industry in depth we must first try to understand as to what is fashion. Fashion is something which is in vogue, something which is fuelled by conversion, something which is dynamic and not static….something which is constantly changing .It is not only clothes that the fashion industry is associated with but also with all the things that we use in our daily lives.

It is an industry which is characterized with mass consumerism. it comprises of fashion designers , textile ,leather , jewellery etc , of models , artisans , makeup artists hair stylists , camera men , technicians …. Oh the list is endless .in short it is an industry in which people from myriad fields participate.

The fashion industry can be broadly divided into two aspects the export industry and the in house industry. The in house industry can further be categorized in the designer, local and the retail industry. The designer industry completely depends on the caliber; popularity and demand of the particular designer .different designers have different hubs where the demand of the designer’s product is the maximum. The designer industry is associated with a limited clientele and sky soaring prices.

The retail fashion industry gives immense importance to branding and creating an own store look .They work to make people conscious of the existence of their brand and to increase the demand for its product in the market. They have many designers who work in the production department for the production of the best fashionable wares. In between the designer and the retail industry lies the local fashion industry .this industry caters to the masses. they are also knows as the copycats… because they get their designs by imitating the work of the big designers and the retail industry .so much so for the in house fashion industry The export fashion industry deals with exporting quality merchandise to the world.

Words are too little to describe an industry which is constantly changing, where millions of strugglers come and go, hundreds of famous people walk the ramp, new things are created every day and the affect of which spreads in the entire world .It is a titanic which will never sink.

About the Author:
Ken Charnley is a personal finance enthusiast with dedicated to quality information on online loans. For all your online loan needs visit and Apply For Loans Online
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