Initially, sewing machines were manufacturedfor garment factory production lines, allowing for clothing to become uniformlymass-produced. It was French tailor Barthelemy Thimonnier who invented thefirst functioning sewing machine in 1830 for use in his garment factory.

This original machine used only one thread anda hooked needle for a chain stitch. His factory was burnt down and he wasnearly killed by an angry mob of French tailors who were afraid his machineswould leave them unemployed. A few years later in America, Walter Hunt sharedthe same fears, and abandoned the work to patent his own version of astraight-seam sewing machine. The fears were unfounded, as industrial sewingmachines created multiple job opportunities worldwide.

Modern garment factories incorporate the samemass production techniques as other industries, with each workstationcompleting one part of the overall job. Industrial sewing machines aregenerally designed to perform one specific sewing function such as embroidery.Machines with different functions are operated to complete clothing items in a production line. Marketing to individuals didn't begin until 1889, allowing for women to havethe means to create clothing for their family without the labor-intensive handstitching. The domestic sewing machine used in the home is manufactured toperform many tasks from sewing straight or zigzag stitches and the creation ofbuttonholes, as well as stitching buttons on to the piece of clothing.

Industrial sewing machines, like their domesticcounterparts for the home, were created to simplify and speed up the otherwiselabor-intensive hand stitching. The domestic sewing machine is manufactured toperform many tasks from sewing straight or zigzag stitches and the creation ofbuttonholes, as well as stitching buttons on to the piece of clothing. Sewingmachines were adapted for use in industrial settings, allowing for clothing tobecome uniformly mass-produced. The industrial sewing machines are generallydesigned to perform a specific sewing function such as embroidery or applyingbuttonholes. Companies from all over the world manufacture industrial sewingmachines with very basic features as well as higher-end computer operatedmodels.

A variety of machines with different functionsare operated to complete clothing items in a production line. A few exampleswould be a Bag Closer sewing machine which is used for sewing a single threadchain-stitch, a high-speed plain sewer is used for stitching seems and doubleneedle machines are used for adding top stitching details to items like jeans.

Walking foot machines are invaluable forquilting and sewing coats, as it keeps the fabric moving along without bunchingand making for a smoother and faster production. Overlock serger sewingmachines, which are also available in smaller versions for the home, create thewhipped V stitch along the edge of a seam of T-shirts and other stretchablefabrics.

About the Author:

Sewing Machines Info provides detailed information aboutindustrial, embroidery, antique sewing machines, and sewing machines parts, aswell as reviews of best sewing machine manufacturers. Sewing Machines Info isthe sister site of VendingMachines Web.

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