Women inherently know what looks good on them. They alsoknow that the power of fragrance is hard to beat for attraction. Someone cantell so much about you just from your perfume. There's nothing quite like thepersonalized scent of a woman. Your fragrance, your makeup, your outfit, yourshoes, and even your handbag make up the total package about who you are today,in today's mood. Tomorrow might bring out a whole different you.

There truly is a scent for every moment of your life, and that's why you shouldinvoke the help of personalized fragrances. Not only are you not going to bewearing the scent of any other woman, you can be wearing the scent that'sperfect for your mood and the moment in your life.

Personalized fragrances have always been around, but thanks to the internet,there are more companies offering them, and no matter where you are in theworld, you can order personalized fragrances online.

You can choose a traditional perfume or for something lighter, you might wantto consider a dry body oil spray. In fact, it's a perfect choice for those hotsummer days when a bold scent might be just too much. It's light and airy nomatter what the fragrance. And thanks to the internet, no animal testingproducts are very easy to find online, so you don't have to worry about thetesting of animals for your perfumes. You are your own personal woman and sohaving your own personalized scents makes beautiful sense. In fact why wouldyou settle for anything less? After all, you aren't like anyone else. There'snothing quite as sexy as your scent and with wearing your very own personalizedfragrances.

Whether you are looking for a dry body oil spray for a lighter scent or atraditional perfume, here are some ideas to help you match your personalitywith fragrance.

If you love the outdoors, the musty scent of the forest, and the refreshingscent of a spring shower, then you are definitely an earthy type that'sgrounded to mother earth herself. You might try personalized fragrances thathave a musk base, the most sensual, earthy fragrance you'll find. Then add atouch of "something" to make it just right.

If you love the culture of and live in the fashions and colors of the Asiancultures, consider something as sassy as your personality with the spices of theOrient mixed to create that personal fragrance that's "you."

If you are a free spirit by nature doing what you want, when you want, then youwant a personalized fragrance that says just that. Mix it up with fruity andfloral scents to create "you" in a bottle.

If you are one of those dreamy souls who always has her head in the cloudsdreaming about ... then you should choose wonderful clean and light fragrancesthat include lavender. Build your fragrance and see where the journey takesyou.

If you're a sexy bombshell, then your personalized fragrances need to say thatabout you. Try a sexy sophisticated mix of flowers and spices for somethinginvigorating that tells the world just how mysterious you are.

If you were born in the wrong century, and you are really an elegant lady,choose a personal fragrance that includes the soft womanly scent of rose andbuild from there.

There are a variety of scents that you can add to your personal fragrance thatcome together to make your statement about who you are. That's much better thanbuying discounted fragrances. Whatever your personality, whatever message youwant to send personal fragrances in both perfume and dry body oil spray are theway to do just that. And you shouldn't settle for just "one you." Afterall, would you settle for just one pair of shoes? I think not! Your shoes, yourclothes, and your fragrance are all about who you are, and isn't it time toshow the world?

About the author:

Anna Woodward

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