

The textile industry provides a workplace where workers are prone to develop occupational skin diseases (OSDs),commonly manifesting as irritant contact dermatitis (ICD) and allergic contactdermatitis (ACD). Since these are compensatable diseases, it is vital that theattending health care worker understands the processes involved in the long andcomplex textile production chain, in order to identify the causative substance.

Case report:

We present a case of a machinist whohas been working in the textile industry for 33 years who had eczema. Thestandard patch test showed that she was allergic to thiuram mix, cobaltchloride, nickel sulphate and colophony. She had an irritant reaction to woodmix and composite mix.


The textile production chain is longand complex with irritants and allergens found throughout this chain. It startswith producing the fibre (raw material), which is spun and twisted into a yarn.A yarn is then knitted and woven into a fabric (grey fabric). These greyfabrics are then prepared, dyed and finished to become a cloth that is ready tobe manufactured into garments. We discuss the clinical findings in our patientand their relevance to her occupation.


The textile industry has a long andcomplex production chain which involves using many substances that are eitherirritants and/or allergens. It is important for a health care worker to knowthe process and the substances used in order to make the right diagnosis ofoccupational skin disease.

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