Every websites main aim is to get maximum viewership by the web surfers. For this it is important to be in priority list in search engines, and to get high ranking in search engines the website has to be rich in keyword search. One can make their website look attractive and appealing by use of impressive animation or graphics, but in order to be visible in search engines the website should be rich in good content. Popular search engines generally have wide variety of websites to choose from, so the websites with relevant and accurate information stand the chance to be selected by the search engines.

It is not so difficult to write relevant content for search engines. It requires on the part of writer to be knowledgeable, work with planning, focus and insightful. Following are the certain steps that have to be considered for writing content for search engines:-

1. Decide keywords and phrases

Before starting to write it is important to decide the keywords and phrases that is relevant to your website. This could be done successfully by the use of Word Tracker keyword tracking service.
Dogpile and Metacrawler search engines are the main source of data for the Word Tracker. To use this service it is required to sign up either for a day, a week, a month or a year.

By looking at your websites server logs, it could be found out the keywords your site visitors are using to find out your site. If the keywords used are too common, for example like textile industry, yarns and fibers, etc. it could generate hundred to thousands of search results but if the choice of keywords is made more specific, the visibility of your website in search engine result would increase and it may display your site near the top.

One more thing that needs to be kept in mind for the writer before writing the content for the website is whether you wish to include and highlight it locally, regionally or globally.

2. Disperse your keywords and phrases throughout the text

The keywords decided should not be used in website content for numerous times that it looks artificial, unnatural and repulsive. Your keywords must fit into the content naturally.

3. Evaluate your headings, titles and hyperlinks

Always try to use your key phrases or words in headings, subtitles, page titles and hyper links. For example the link of contact us can be changed to keyword specific like contact us for premium membership, etc.

4. Upload informative and relevant articles on your website

One of the great method of making your website rich in keywords is to post informative keyword rich articles on your website. Each article that you post on your website adds more content in terms of key phrases that the search engine looks for. You can also post your articles on websites such as go articles.com, find articles.com, etc. These websites offer back links to the websites thereby providing free publicity and greater visibility.

5. Print Newsletter or Ezine

Another way of adding content to your website is through relevant newsletters and ezines. By these means you can reuse your articles.

Main advantages of keyword rich content

►Your website will get higher rank by search engines by use of keywords and phrases.
►The chances of users recommending your site to others will increase.
►The back link to your website would be provided by other sites which would increase the viewership.