Trade fairs and events are mainstay for the textile machinerycompanies market promotion. Various trade fairs and events are organized everyyear by organizers like ACIMIT, TMMA, CSMA, JASMA, CITME etc. Some fairs like ITMA,JIAM exclusively focuses on textile machinery sector while some other includesmachinery as an integral part of textile industry. Such fairs have become potentialhub of meeting for buyers and sellers. Unique Selling Preposition of such fairsis that manufacturers can display their machinery to the buyers directly andbuyer can examine and negotiate on the spot for different parameters. Buyerscan also compare different machines at the same place for their prices, applications and technologies used.

Textile machinery manufacturers and visitors attend suchfairs with different expectations and perceptions. Decision to visitfairs/event depends on many factors like geographical location of the fair, visitors profile, past experience with the fair, reputation of the fair within industryetc. Fibre2fashion got the opportunity to know views of eminentpersonalities in machinery manufacturing industry. Mr. S. R. Gandhi(Dalal Engineering) says We prefer to participate in only those fairswhich are only for Textile Machinery.

Amongst Machinery manufacturers fraternity, for companieslike Dalal Engineering, ITMA is the most preferable trade fair. For ITMA, Mr.Rainer Thum (Head Marketing - Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH) quotes Infrastructurein Munich was better than anything they had seen before, including Singapore! We had very good customer attendance, much more than we had anticipated. Amajor problem for many of our customers was the difficulty in getting visas.Overall it was a very good show.

Our company participates in about 10-15 fairs every year,mainly in Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand etc.Usually we choose only one fair in one country each year according to the reputation,scale and our experience of last fair, expresses Mr. Wang Xiao hu (Vice President)China Texmatech Co., Ltd.

Irrespective of their choices and preferences for tradefairs, all these exhibitors believe in power of trade fairs to generate goodbusiness.


Mr. Rainer Thum gushes Of course, one meets many customers, old friends and new ones. Orders are rarely concluded on trade fairs any more, if they are, this was a "preplanned" event. Also, due to the much improved information technology, trade fairs are probably less important in showing new developments, than they were 20 years ago. Still, the person-to-person interaction cannot be replaced by e-mail, etc., so trade fairs do remain important.

We get opportunity to exhibits technological developments on our product, at the same time get opportunity to see others, reasons Mr. S.R. Gandhi, while Mr. Mr. Wang Xiao hu explains, To participate in the fair like ITMA is very important for us to build up the image of our brand name.

Different cost factors for participating in a trade fairs include shipping cost (for transporting machinery from homeland to destination country where fair is being organized); cost for booking space/ stall in the fair; promotional costs; costs for sending companys representatives to the fair; their stay etc. Thus it is a costly affair for a company to display its machine in Trade fairs. Still companies show great interest in participating in trade fairs or such other big events as they feel these expenses are worth when they reap returns on these hefty investments.

Mr. S.R. Shah (Dalal engineering) opines in favor of trade fairs for he finds that numbers of companies take part in such trade fairs to promote their new technology and machines, investment pays off initially, in terms of quality up gradation / improvements. Mr. Wang Xiao hu also believes it to be worth spending money on trade fairs, and that is why the machines from many Multinational Corporations can be found on most of important fairs. 

Although, it seems that current proliferation of trade fairs has placed some machinery manufactures on the horns of dilemma pondering about benchmark for quality trade fairs, for Mr. Rainer Thum when questioned by fibre2fashion team, whether displaying machinery in trade fairs brings returns on such a heavy investment?, replies this is a hotly debated question within any exhibitor company, and I do not believe anybody has any definite answer. Obviously, we think the benefits are worth the expenditure; else we would not go to a trade fair. An ongoing problem is the proliferation of shows, something neither us exhibitors nor our customers seem to be able to do much about. This proliferation is bad for both, only the organizers benefit - and still there seem to be no "counter measure" in sight!

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