Bamboo is one of the planetsmost versatile grasses. It grows very fast, even up to one foot in a daydepending on the right conditions. Having around 1400 species, this plant hasmultiple uses; can be eaten, worn as clothes, used for construction purposesetc. In China, a special kind of palatable beer is made from bamboo. Aromaticperfumes and life saving medicines are also made from it. It can be grown andreplenished with no impact to the environment. It produces greater biomass and30% more oxygen than a hardwood forest. It mitigates water pollution due to itshigh nitrogen consumption. It helps to reduce carbon dioxide gases that areresponsible for global warming. The latest advancement in nanotechnology hasgiven a new and constructive dimension to this plant through Bamboo Charcoal Fabrics.


Medical industry is aware of thebenefits of charcoal as an odor absorbing material. Charcoal is capable ofabsorbing harmful elements from gases and fluids. Activated charcoal fabricsare the latest innovation is this process. This fabric has nano particles of bamboo in its fibre.



Bamboo charcoal fabric is made bydrying and burning bamboo plants that are five or more years older; inside anoven at a temperature above 800˚C. The burnt bamboo now becomes charcoal. Thischarcoal is further processed and is made into nano particles. These nano particles are embedded into cotton or polyester fibres. These fibres are used to make bamboocharcoal yarn from which fabrics are manufactured.


Virtues of the Fabric:


These fabrics possesantibacterial and antifungal qualities of natural bamboo. It has deodorizingabilities. This yarn has a cross-section that contains micro holes. Hence ithas better moisture absorption abilities. It absorbs and dries sweat fast andgives comfort to the wearer. This fabric does not stick to the skin in summer. Onthe contrary, during cold winters, they prove to be excellent insulators aswell. Bamboo charcoal nano particles can absorb far infrared rays from theenvironment, and pass it to the body cells. Far infrared rays can penetratedeep inside the skin and improve blood circulation. Thus, these garmentsprovide way for healthy living. Fabrics made from bamboo charcoal do not haveany chemicals, and hence is anti allergic. Nano particles are embedded in thefabric and not simply coated. Hence, the garment remains durable even aftermany washes. This yarn cannot be dyed, as it will take away its eco friendlyvirtues. But it can be effectively combined with other fibres for getting vibrantcolors.




Bamboo charcoal fabrics areused in houses by placing them in between flooring materials, sub floor,drywall and wall frames to create a healthy living environment. It absorbsgaseous materials and sweat like a sponge absorbs water. These fabrics are usedin the manufacture of inner garments. This material is safe with no sideeffects, when worn touching the skin. They are used in the manufacture of innergarments, socks, knee caps, wrist bands etc. These garments can resistunpleasant odor, retain heat, prevent electromagnetic radiation and keepmoisture low.



Bamboo is the fastest growing woody plant in the world. Bamboo fabric is a soft and comfortable material, and the designers using it are increasing all the time as fast as the plant grows. By combining this fabric with other fibres, impressive hues are brought in the clothes. Due to its luxurious softness, smooth flowing, gentle drape, along with economical prices, this fabric has gained entry throughout the fashion industry. This fabric is competent to strengthen the textile industry in the global market.












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