Make-up, if done the right way, can work wonders for a person. It can highlight one's best features, hide flaws, and make a personlook lovelier than he or she actually is. It is one of the most significantaspects in plays and movies, so much so that sometimes, a particular characterbecomes famous on account of the make-up.

In today's times, make-up has become an integral part oflife for many women across the globe. Especially in case of working women incities, make-up is becoming a necessity. Going to occasions like weddings anddinner parties without make-up has become almost unthinkable.

Has it ever occurred to you about the origin of thiswonderful art of make-up? Who used make-up first in the world? What was thefirst kind of cosmetic ever used? How has make-up evolved over the years? Allof this has been covered under the scope of this report.

This report has been compiled using several secondarysources of data, and an attempt has been made to design as comprehensive an account as possible.


Table of Contents

  • Section 1 - Meaning of make-up

  • Section 2 - Origin and evolution of make-up

  • 18th Century

  • 19th Century

  • 20th Century

o        The 1900s

o        The 1910s

o        The 1920s

o        The 1930s

o        The 1940s

o        The 1950s

o        The 1960s

o        The 1970s

o        The 1980s

o        The 1990s

o        The 2000s

  • Section 3 - Recent trends in make-up

  • Section 4 - The make-up industry

  • Section 5 - Industry Criticism

  • Section 6 - References

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