The usage of cotton dates back to the period since the timecivilization came into existence. Evidence of this has been witnessed in thecaves of Mexico, where cotton fabrics were discovered which was asserted byarcheologists to be 7000 years old. But the process of cultivation of cottoninvolved the application of pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, much of whichare causing devastating health hazards. Apart from this, using these chemicalsalso play a crucial role in the global warming scenario. Here comes the needfor an organic way of cultivating cotton. Thus, 'Organic Cotton', which is alsoknown as 'green cotton, environmentally friendly cotton and bio-logical cotton'due to its virtues comes into scene.

As per the National Organic Standards Board, USA, Organic agriculture is defined as an 'ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is basedon minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore,maintain and enhance ecological harmony'.

Cultivating Cotton - The Organic Way:

Organic cotton farming is done without using pesticides,herbicides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers or any other chemicals.Conventional cotton uses up to 10 percent of all agricultural chemicals, 25percent of all insecticides consumed in the planet while using only 3 percentof the farming land. Organic farming involves using natural resources likecompost. Compost is derived by mixing the waste of plants & animal refuse.The process also involves adding Nitrogen & water & letting itdecompose. Organic farming involves alternating between crops. The mainguideline to organic farming is the soil & to keep it fruitful.

According to surveys the widespread use of Pesticides ispolluting the most vital resource of our planet-ground water. A survey doneglobally shows that pesticides, chemicals etc are polluting the ground waters& are depriving the next generation of clean water. The use of insecticidesis avoided by creating a buffer between the cotton crops & the insects byplanting crops around the cotton crop & which help to keep the insects awayfrom the cotton crop. During harvesting the farmers, their families &workers are exposed to toxic chemicals, while in the in the case of organiccotton it is very safe.

Organic cotton needs to be certified by a competentauthority. The same is done on the basis of preset rules & regulations ofwhat constitutes the process of Organic farming. The certification is a longtime process as one of the constituents of the documentation include that thesoil should not have been sprayed with any of the pesticides used in the normalcourse of farming. In the U.S the certification process is handled by theDepartment of Agriculture with standards set in the Organic Food ProductionAct. In the US, Organic Cotton farming constitutes only 1 percent of all cotton produced in the country but area under cultivation is expected to increasesignificantly in the coming years.

The benefits derived from the use of Organic cotton aremany. To name a few among the many are the health of the planet & itspopulation, Nutritional concerns, Protecting the next generation, well being ofthe Soil, Global Environment etc. All the above benefits are important but themore important among the above is the Global environment.

Apparels made from organic cotton are slowly gainingacceptance as the awareness levels increase helped by a few apparel majors likeNike & Patagonia. Other designers like The Gap, Levi's etc are slowlyjoining the fold of apparel manufacturer taking to the use of Organic Cotton ina big way.