
According to Indian traditional wisdom, clothes are one ofthe four basic daily necessities: clothes, food, a home, transportation. Justlike many basic commodities clothes are produced in a globalize productionchain involving a wide variety of companies. Production capacity from otherfactories through sub-contracting network among suppliers factories. Furtherstill an increasing number of home -base garment workers are in many statesthat rely on garment production for export growth. The garment industry is oneof the earliest to globalize its supply chain, factories once located neardesigners and retail in USA & Europe, began relocating to Asia in the 1970sand have since began established on every continent now providing valuable exportsto a wide range of countries. Sewing machines are relatively in-expensive andmobile compared to other manufacturing items. Buyers and suppliers readilyshifted their orders and factories in search of the most competitive locations.The fluidity of the globalize production structure is also explained by itslabour intensiveness. Companies always seek the cheapest labour, wherever itis, but primarily in developing countries. All these factors present a classiccase of global supply chain in this era of globalization. While business andeconomist may be mostly interested in its management and efficiency.

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About the Author

The authoris Research Scholar at University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India