By: Nabi Bidhendi, Gh. R., Torabian,A., Ehsani, H., Razmkhah, N., and Abbasi, M


Textile industry is the major source of water consumptionand wastewater pollution. There are various treatment techniques to removetextile wastewater pollution. Coagulation flocculation is a widely used processto remove pollution due to suspended particles. In this research, differentcoagulants like Alum, Lime, FeCl3, FeSO4 and MgCl2 were applied to select thesuitable ones with optimum removal efficiency of sulfuric dyes. Settlingcharacteristics of flocs formed in the coagulation process were studied in alaboratory scale settling column unit. Parameters such as color, COD, TSS,turbidity and settled sludge volume have been evaluated. The optimum coagulant doseand pH value were determined by comparing the effectiveness of thesecoagulants. Results showed other coagulants except lime could eliminate colorand COD. In this case, FeSO4 was chosen as an optimum coagulant for colorremoval because of the lowest required coagulant dose, minimum settled sludgevolume and maximum de-colorization.

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About the Authors

The authors are associated with the Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

Originallypublished in New Cloth Market, October 2009