Food, shelter and clothing are the basic needs of everyone.All clothing is made from Textiles and our shelters are made more comfortableand attractive by the use of textiles. Textiles have such an important bearingon our daily lives that everyone needs to know something about them. Fromearliest times, people have used textiles of various types for covering ormodesty, warmth, personal adornment, to display personal wealth and even forbiomedical and technical purposes.
A study of textiles will show, for example why certainfabrics are more durable and serviceable for specific purposes. Completeknowledge of textiles will facilitate an intelligent appraisal of standards anddifferent qualities of textile products.
The word "textiles" comes from the Latin term textere,"woven". Today the word textile is more generalized to refer to product madefrom fibres.
A "fibre" is defined as any product capable of being wovenor otherwise made into a fabric. It may be thought of as the smallest visibleunit of textile production 'or' a fibre can be defined as a pliable hair likestrand that is very small in diameter in relation to its length. Fibres are thefundamental units or the building blocks used in the making of textile yarnsand fabrics.
Where as "yarns" are produced by twisting or spinning of thetextile fibres and in turn a fabric is a planar structure produced byinterlacing or interloping of yarns.
Classification of Textile Fibres:
The textile industry uses many fibres as its raw materials.As a result of the development of new fibres, difficulties arise in textileindustry in terms of identification, classification. Hence, classification oftextile fibres was compounded by the trained manufactures to identify each ofthe fibres with the different trademarks. Textile fibres are classifiedaccording to the source and the length of the fibres.
The authorsare associated with Applied Chemistry Research Centre (Textile Section), PCSIRLaboratories Complex, Karachi, Pakistan