What is web conferencing?

Web conferencing is the latest presentation of the advanced technology in the field of computers. Here live meetings or presentations are hold through internet. In web conferencing the people in conference could see each other live and this is complemented by voice communication by telephonic conference or VoIP. But sometimes instead of voice, communication also takes through text chat. In today's fast paced world where business transactions are made 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and when international boundaries have also blurred, internet is one of the most sort out medium for communication amongst companies for trading at an international level.

So when business transactions are taking place between the international clients sometimes it becomes important to arrange seminars for business meetings. If they are to meet in person to person with each other, then it would demand too much strain on companies on time, money and effort.

Advantages of web conferencing

1)Time saving medium Organizing meetings is time consuming affair. To gather the delegates, make arrangements for the meeting, booking of hotel or conference hall, catering, etc require a lot of time. Moreover if the meeting is to be arranged amongst international delegates then the process becomes more cumbersome. But web conferencing eliminates all these problems, thus saving the company's time. Only an e-mail or telephone call is necessary to arrange a meeting through web conferencing.

2)Traveling not required Meetings through web conferencing gives the advantage of holding a meeting from own office, thus there is no need to travel or commute for participating in a meeting. It is a boon to smaller business organizations, where there is budget constraint yet meetings and negotiations with international clients can be hold through web conferencing. Business proposals can be worked upon and new business could be procured easily without leaving ones office premises. The fare to be spent on traveling is saved.

3)Saves money Traveling expense is something which exerts financial pressure on company's budget. Small travel even in the same city or town feasts on expenses of parking charges, petrol expense and time taken in traveling thus the time taken for traveling goes in waste if the destination is far off. If this cost of traveling is saved, then at the end of the month it could be seen a decrease in company's expenses. Web conferencing makes this possible. Thus saving valuable money resource.

Disadvantages of web conferencing

1)Sometimes hosting a web conference with far off delegates could also cost hundreds of dollars a month for membership fees for the connection taken for it.

2)All the parties participating might not have good quality of internet access, thus making the conferencing low in visual or audio aspect.
3)The personal aspect of face-to-face communication lacks here. Meeting with another people in person does make a difference.

4)For complex and meetings for big contracts or proposal web conferencing is not a bright idea.

Apart from face to face communication, the participants could use slides or power point presentation. Spreadsheet is also a mode for sharing the important files online. This prevents the parties to bring large amount of papers to the meeting. Web conferencing can be started easily just by installing the software required for it. If we compare its prices to other mode of face-to-face communications, it comes out as cost effective mode. The service could be taken on annual basis, but it is important to choose the service provider that allows the usage of this service round the clock.