
A basic decision in marketing products is Branding, in whichan organization uses a name, phrase, design, symbols, or combination of theseto identify its products and distinguish them from those of competitors ofthese to identify its products and distinguish them from those of competitors.A Brand name is name is any word, device (design, sound, shape, or color), orcombination of these used to distinguish a sellers goods or services. Somebrand names can be spoken, such as a Raymonds, Gini & Jony. A Sale promotion is another form of paid impersonal communication, which offer additionalvalue and incentive to the customer; it not only encourages the customers tovisit the store but also promotes trial and repeat purchases. Some of the popularsales promotion activities are special events, in-store demonstration, coupons,and contests. Publicity is an un-pain form of communications that providesinformation about the retailer through the media. A trademark is a special kindof brand. It is a brand duly registered with the registrar of trade marks underthe trade and Merchandise marks Act, 1958. thus when a brand is registeredunder the special act, it is called a Trade mark. The registrar may allow theuse of any numbers, letters, words, symbol, emblem, design, picture set to useas a trade mark. Trade mark has a legal recognition, legal sanction and legalprotection. A person misusing the trade mark can be sued in the court of law.Normally, a trade mark is shown by the letter on the packets. Popularexamples of trademarks are Godrej, Vimal, Colgate, Bajaj, Cibaca etc


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Aboutthe Author:

Ms.Apurva Dhus is associated with Dept. of Textile science & Apparel Design,Dr. B.M.N.College of Home Science.


Thispaper was presented at Veermata JijabaiTechnological Institute (VJTI), Mumbai in the VASTRA 2010 a two day eventheld on Feb 19th & 20th, 2010