The Global

During the Devonian period, some 410 million years ago,Nature sat down to design a world that would support life on planet earth. Itcame up with millions of plant species, an ocean and finally the redistributionof land mass to make differential in surface temperatures possible for variousnatural events to take place. It came up with several species and finally some5 million years ago began to tinker with the idea of a new species called humanbeings. Nature got or so it thought a final design some 135000 years ago anddecided to sit back and see how its experiment worked. It worked well for awhile until some 180 years ago when its new species came up with its own designfor leading its life. The first Industrial Revolution began to find shape inearly 18th century marking unwittingly the beginning of steadydestruction of the design that nature had set in place for all species to live.In the early years there was enough in store for this destruction NOT tobe noticed, however, the disruption that mankinds design began to cause to theNatural Order started showing pretty soon with the depletion of ozone layercoming to be noticed sometime in the late 70s.. The thinning of the ozone layerwas so dramatic that mankind for the first time realized that its way of lifeand they way it goes about fulfilling it through its own design called theIndustry was not working well after all.

The Industrial Revolution of the 18th centurycould thus be described as having brought in its wake a red design foreconomic activity that was flawed from the very beginning. It had nothing in itto suggest that it was regenerative and programmed to sustain the cycle ofeconomic activity to keep the motion perpetual.

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This article was the key note address delivered at Sona College of Fashion Technology, Erode

About the Author:

The author isthe Managing Director of Hydra Consulting Services having expertise in supplychain solutions, process design improvement, automation and integration withspecific reference to the textile industry.