Fashion is the style and custom that is adopted at a givenperiod of time and it keeps on changing from time to time. As the worldprogresses toward the innovation of more powerful machines which are easy tomanipulate, on the other hand fashion is not left behind. Different types ofclothes made from different materials and designs have made people to changetheir mode of dressing of which smartness may vary from one person to theother. To wear a pair of jeans while attending an official duty was seen as indecent,but nowadays one can wear as there are some of jeans that look like officialwears and match best with shirts.

Fashion can not only be on the clothes design, but also theunder garments, caps and all that entails dressing in general. Nowadays thereare different clothes that suit different occasions. There are certain clothesthat are best for music; there are those for afro music, and they like wearingbig clothes and the hair style will also reveal the type of music. The rockstars will dress in ladish like clothes which are tight and shiny. In the pastthere clothes were for general purposes there were no specific clothes forspecific functions except for the wedding gown which one could know it wasmeant for a bride.

There are clothes meant for summer others for winter, springand autumn and this is as a result of fashion. Women are the one who aregreatly affected by the fashion trend and they always want to be the first tohave a certain fashion that is new in the market. Hair is also included as partof the fashion as there are many different hair styles.

The advantage of fashion is it has brought civilization anddiscovery of other textile that are durable, long lasting. Most of the peopleobserve fashion as the western habit which occurred mainly during theireconomic or social change but in real sense nowadays fashion is experienced inevery corner of the world with every community coming up with their own mode offashion that identifies them. On the other hand fashion has played a big rolein creating employment opportunities and it is among the well paying jobs.

What a person wears can easily tell what kind of a person heis, the behavior and generally you can be accorded respect as per the mode ofyour dressing.

Fashion also varies according to age, social class,generation occupation and the geographical location. The young may look wellwhen dressed in the old people clothes but when an old person decides to dresslike a youth bet he will attract the attention of all the people because hewill be looking ridiculous. Fashion has also been used to denote a certainsocial class as one can easily tell the class one belongs to through the modeof dressing and the make ups used and the material. It can also tell someone'soccupation and the geographical region one is coming from.

When choosing the type of cloth to wear be careful so as notto offend the people around you as some may cause people to perceive you in awrong way. Do not dress because you saw someone else dressing you should knowwhy he or she dressed it and for which purpose because you may end up wearing aswimming costume in a sporting activity.


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Author specializes in Fashion and Its Trends