A lot has been written about thecool factor of digital retail signage. With their use of static images, videoand animation, the eye-catching effects of digital signs have been proven timeand again in a wide range of marketing studies.

The many possible uses of digitalretail signage are also well documented. From advertising to way finding toentertaining, retailers have found countless ways to use this highly effectivecommunication tool.

What is not so well known is thegreen factor of digital retail signage. If you have ever considered a digitalsignage network for your store or shopping center, you may want to learn aboutthe environmental benefits of digital signs. You can use this knowledge to helpsell the idea of digital signs to any skeptics in your organization and topromote your new signage system to the general public.

Its Easy Being Green

Its no secret that the environmentis top of mind for most people these days. Environmental concerns have had animpact everywhere, including shopping decisions. Positioning your business asgreen can have a significant impact on your brand.

So, how can digital retail signagehelp you go green?

  • For starters, there is the drastic reduction in your use of ink and paper. The environmental impact of wasting paper has long been a focal point for many businesses. The waste created by used ink cartridges is alarming. A recent study stated that 350 million ink cartridges are thrown into North American landfills every year. And it is not just the volume that is of concern. The plastic in those cartridges can take hundreds of years to break down. With digital retail signage, you print a lot less, saving forests and reducing waste in landfills.
  • While digital signage will save thousands of trees, you might be wondering about the energy it uses. Because they are run from computer networks and use large electronic displays, these signs do require energy. But the industry has stepped up to help reduce the environmental impact of digital signage. More efficient backlighting systems (using encapsulated phosphors) produce light with less heat. New LCD screens use far less energy than their older counterparts. Many digital signage components are energy efficient. For example, solid state media players have no moving parts to generate heat, which means no ventilation is required. Some digital signage installations even use solar power. Carbon offsets are another possibility for users of digital signs.
  • According to a May, 2008 post in Digital Signage News, the components used in digital retail signage are far less hazardous than most technology, and the industry needs to do more to promote that fact. And what of the lead and cadmium in the computers used in digital signage networks? Manufacturers, notably Apple, have started to develop computers and monitors that either reduce or eliminate these substances, bringing green computing closer to reality.

As the digital retail signageindustry works to improve its carbon footprint, your business will benefit. Youwill be able to promote your use of green technology, use resources moreefficiently and save money in printing, paper and energy costs.
