Bamboo is one of the earth's most sustainable resources.Bamboo fiber is a revolutionary new fabric that has unparalleled advantages,including strength, versatility, softness and luxurious texture. In a veryshort time, clothing made from bamboo fiber has made it to the top ranks ofeco-friendly choices. Bamboo fiber has excellent qualities of color absorption,fast-drying capabilities, and is known for draping elegantly from the body andfeeling as soft as cashmere. Unlike silk, bamboo is wrinkle-resistant and caneasily be washed and dried, making it much simpler to take care of. In additionto these fantastic fashion-friendly qualities, the use of bamboo clothing alsohas many environmental benefits to offer.
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world it isbecause of its extraordinary water absorbency potential. This property comes inuseful in the fashion world, making bamboo fabric three to four times moreabsorbent than cotton. Bamboo fabric wicks away moisture from the skin,allowing it to evaporate, keeping the wearer naturally drier and morecomfortable.
Fabric made from bamboo plant is extremely soft, smooth, andluxuriously comfortable. This bamboo fabric is created from bamboo pulp and isbleached without the use of chlorine. Bamboo fabric is easy to dye and it isdone so without using any harsh chemicals and using methods which use lesswater than conventional dyeing methods.
Bamboo fabric is very much similar to the softness of silk.Since the bamboo fibers are without chemical treatment, they are naturallysmoother and rounder with no sharp spurs to irritate the skin, making bamboofabric hypoallergenic and perfect for those who experience allergic reactionsto other natural fibers such as wool or hemp. On that same note, bamboo fabricis also antibacterial and antifungal. This is because bamboo possesses ananti-bacteria and bacteriostatic bio-agent called "Bamboo Kun",allowing the plant to naturally flourish and grow in the wild without the useof pesticides or fertilizers. This beneficial quality of the bamboo plantremains in its textile form, killing all bacteria keeping the wearer feelingfresher and odor free for longer, making the clothes healthier and morehygienic.
Another benefit of bamboo is that it releases a significantamount of oxygen into the air, more so than trees. Planting bamboo can helpreduce the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well as reducing soilerosion and desertification. The complex root system of bamboo plants makesthem an excellent choice for planting in areas that of high erosion such asriverbanks and areas subject to mud slides. They are also quite suitable forplanting in areas which have suffered significant soil degradation anddeforestation.
Unlike many of the other fabrics, bamboo clothing isextremely breathable. The natural bamboo plant keeps itself cool in the heatand like its other properties, is also maintained in its fabric form. Thecross-section of the bamboo fiber is covered with micro-holes giving the fabricbetter moisture absorption and ventilation. As a result, bamboo clothing isable to keep the wearer almost two degrees cooler in the heat and noticeablywarmer in the cold. Bamboo clothing is also "anti static and UV protectiveas it cuts out 98% of harmful UV rays" providing the wearer with anotherbeneficial quality from bamboo made clothing.
Even the fashion industry which is obviously known for itsconcern and interest in creating style and setting new trends has incorporatedways to be more environmentally friendly. With the growing popularity of a newfabric made of bamboo, fashion designers have slowly begun to use bamboo fabricin many of their up coming collections.
Bamboo clothing is an environmentally friendly andinexpensive choice for those who demand the highest level of comfort combinedwith outstanding quality. Bamboo clothing, made from a natural product that'sbreathable has excellent anti-bacterial and moisture wicking qualities, and isluxuriously soft, making it suitable for everybody from newborn babies toadults. Bamboo clothing for men, women and children are available in a widerange of styles, colors, and sizes.
About the Author
Author is involved in eco-friendly bamboo clothing andwrites about them on his website. If you are interested in organic bambooclothing, then please visit his eco- friendly bamboo clothing website. He isproud to be a part of the eco-fashion movement, providing hundreds of hiscustomers with chic bamboo clothing for over a year. As eco- friendly fashioncontinues to grow in popularity, he plans to be at the forefront, providingone-stop shopping for bamboo clothing.