Sustainability is no longer an option for businesses, but anenvironmental necessity. The path to sustainability begins with a green supplychain.

TheTrend of developing a green supply chain is gaining immense popularity now, andbusinesses are focusing more on improving their supply chain visibility,efficiency and costs. A flawed supply chain creates pollution, threatening theexistence of life on earth. With increasing awareness towards environmentalissues, and global warming, consumers are now more focused towards the productsthey are buying. A recent report on sustainable businesses states that by thenext decade textile industry will intensify its sustainable approaches in itssupply chain processes.

Green Credentials in the Apparel Industry:

Thefuture of apparel supply chain is sustainability. Forward thinking companieshave already started implementing sustainability in their supply chains. Acompany should dovetail with its overall goals and identify how to transition agreen supply chain to achieve these goals. It should consider its overallbusiness goals and decide how their supply chain can be altered to achievethese goals. Restricting the business impact on the environment is a noblegoal. While reviewing their overall processes, companies should look beyondtheir factory walls. For instance; when a company decides to purchase, itshould seek suppliers who have minimized their environmental impact withoutcompromising on their quality.

Greenapparel supply chain is an umbrella concept, and care has to be taken atvarious levels of apparel making such as using organic and natural fibres,using renewable fibres, application of non-toxic treatments to fabrics, designand color choices focusing on longevity of the garment, ethical labor practices,and using environmentally appropriate packing materials. Many notable brandsfrom all across the globe have notable sustainability programmes.

What does it cost to green the Supply Chain?

Theoptions of going in for a greener supply chain should also match with the goals,and financial planning of the company. If the company wishes to use abiodegradable packing material which increases the costs by 25%, then it goesagainst the overall objective of reducing its operating costs. So, a happy balanceshould be formulated between the overall goals, and green options. The idea ofgreen supply chain is to minimize the costs, and simultaneously helping theenvironment. There are many forward thinking companies that come up withcutting edge solutions which help them to earn more profits, and help theenvironment at the same time.

Profits of Going Green:

Greensupply chain implementation is a long time commitment for a business. It is akey factor of a business in deciding the environmental footprint, and creatingan image about the brand in the consumers mind. Recognizing the opportunitiesassociated with saving the environment will prove sustainability as aprofitable process. A green supply chain can save money for its company byreducing obsolescence, not having to dispose harmful effluents, minimizing theamount of money spent of scrap, and other regulatory issues.

Todaymany options are open for businesses to change their supply chain and make it greener.The key to become sustainable is to develop a culture of sustainability withinthe organization, develop adequate goals, educate the employees, implementprojects to meet the goals, audit the supply chain process, and correctdeviations if any. Adopting a green supply chain strategy will prove vital tospearhead the growth of a business in the long run.

