
Carpets are the most stylishcreations in the handmade varieties of Turkey. It is the only country in whichthe double-knot technique is used, making the carpet more resilient for longerduration. They are famous for what is known as "Turkish knot" or"the iron knot". The more convoluted the design on the backside is,finer the work truly is. No one exactly knows that when and where the techniqueof weaving first started, but there is no doubt that it started in Central Asia. The inhabitants had to migrate to the western parts of Asia in order to findmore flourishing land after an explosion. These wandering tribes were known as yoruksor nomadic tribes. During their migrations, these nomads, learned to use goathair in the making of their tents protecting themselves from extreme weathertransitions. Since they are much stiffer they cannot be used further.Therefore, they were used to make fine carpets and rugs. These exceptionallyfine rugs were well used in times of war to bridge relations with Europeancountries to maintain peace and so they were given as gifts to kings andqueens, as well as to key army commanders and statesmen.

Rugs have now become an importantexport for most producing countries, and many weaving groups have consciously expandedin order to plea to tastes of Western countries. In disparity, mostnomadic and tribal groups still make rugs in the time privileged dark reds andprimary hues of their ancestors, while Persian workshop groups employ bothpastel and rich shades. There is huge variety of designs now available indifferent tones and the potential buyer have no problem in looking out forthe most suitable one as per their requirements.

Both harmonious and contrastingshades can be used to enhance the decorative impact of a room.  For aharmonious effect aim to reflect the overall tonality of the room or ensurethat a single color from the wood mark or furnishings is echoed in the rug.This does not have to be the most dominant color in either the room or the rug;better results are often achieved by matching ancillary colors, provided theyare not flooded by other shades. For example, a predominantly red rug withstrong hints of blue can blend well into a room with some blues but no reds.

Contrasting shades liven up a roomby providing a revitalizing effect, but due care is to be taken to ensure thatthere is no conflicting of colours. Pastel shades are extremely adaptable and unifywith most conventional furnishings and interiors.  Strong or dark shadesare normally found only in nomadic and tribal rugs.  They are particularlysuitable for the jagged surroundings of old cottages where normally the coloursare in shades of browns. 


Design, though crucial, is considered as less complicated than managing and working out on colour schemes, as the color has far more impact on its surroundings; a jarring pattern will still merge into most rooms, provided the colors are pleasant. Nevertheless, choosing the right design is a key for intensification of the style and attractive impression of the room. Below are well-known designs for Turkish carpets:

  • Centralized Designs This is characterized by a single motif and a balance is maintained between the motif and the surrounding design. They should preferably be placed in a central position. If in case this is not possible, the same amount of space should be provided on different sides

  • Curvilinear Designs This type of design looks best in naturally furnished rooms. They are characterized by intricate and floral patterns. The design adds a tang of lavishness to a plain room, but careful deliberation is necessary for placing curvilinear design rug in a room with rustic or Scandinavian type furnishings, as the two styles may conflict.

  • Geometric Designs They look superior in highly classically furnished rooms if the tone of the rugs matches with the surroundings. They are compatible with Scandinavian and Bauhaus inspired designs.

  • Repeating Designs They are characterized for utilizing a single motif, or group of motifs recurring throughout the rug. The pattern is the same from every angle, which gives substantial autonomy in the placing of the rug. This is crucial in place of runners and room size carpets.

    The majority of people buy Oriental rugs with the intent to augment the decorative veracity of the interiors of their homes  The investment impending or assembling has never been their area of concern, and the fact that rugs may appreciate in value over the years is a bonus, keeping aside easily the main reason for which they are bought. Hence, the major contemplation is color, design and size.


    Varieties of Turkish Carpets

    Turks typically use carpets for the winter season for insulation. The different types of Turkish carpets are:

    • Kula town is famous for its wool carpets. These village carpets of Kula are woven on a woolen warp and weft and most of the parts have strong geometric designs. The colours are rich but soft with tones of rust, green, gold, and blue. However, the leading colours are pastel. The most important characteristic of these carpets are that they are woven with 100% wool yarn and have varied patterns, colours and sizes. Kula carpets contain 160,000 knots per square meter. Kula carpets bear a resemblance to Western Anatolian products like, Usak and Gordes, with their wide borders and self-possessed colours.

    • Kayseri carpets, customarily, were found in palaces of the sultan. These meticulous carpet features the design which is unique in nature for the Kayseri region because of its color and the design of the border.

    • Kars carpets are woven in a few different locations throughout Turkey. They are typically geometric designs.
    • Dosemealti are double-knotted carpets and normally use the primary colors of red, blue, dark green, and white. These carpets were habitually made by Yoruk nomads and the design is of the geometrical expression. Tree of life, the 4 directions, mountains, the evil eye, etc are the familiar symbols. Dosemealti carpets also have an added feature, where the weaver has cut or bald part of the inventive design along with the border to attain a three-dimensional effect.

    • Bergama carpets are woven by around 80 villages. Bergama carpets have constantly been woven as wool on wool material combination with red wefts. Knotting concentration of these rugs is around 12 knots per square cm. and the carpets come in three - four square meter sizes. Turkish style is usually symbolized floral and embroidered with leaves of the pine tree designs. They consist mainly of two colours, the dark reds and blues. The evil eye that is seen at the boundaries gives them an outstandingly extraordinary appearance.

    • Taspinar is famous for producing excellent carpet of a thick stack, knotted in high quality wool. They have a predominantly blue and red turf livened up by fragile motifs in lighter shades. The yarn is dyed with natural vegetable dyes by the Caucasian methods. Taspinar carpets are the most beautiful of all. The rich colours are beautifully proportioned with formal designs but the designs are varied. The knot density of Taspinar carpets are 140,000 per square meter.

    • The patchwork carpets are a representation of the unity and teamwork of the family. They are bright and colorful, each covered with unique patches and sewn into unique designs. Outside of the village, people use them in their homes as works of art and history, either on the wall, as a bedspread, a couch cover, etc.

    • Hereke silk carpets are known not just as the best in Turkey, but the best in the world. The fine work on this carpet is palpable by the density of knots which reflects the design, as finer on the backside as is on the front side.


    To understand how valuable Turkish carpets are, it is better to go back to their origin. For a nomad who lived in a tent, home was a simple place; a combination of walls, roof and floor. The floor was not usually an elaborate structure, just a simple carpet laid directly onto the earth.

    The carpet serves many purposes and is used as a bug-excluder, soil leveler, temperature controller and comfort provider all in one. Turkish Rugs are anti bacterial because of the use of natural materials. It keeps the body warm in cold days. For babies, it is an amazing dream land and they make imaginary pictures like parking lots, highways, stores and different stories out of the motifs and designs.

    Turkish Rugs gain value with time. The older the rug, more valuable it is. It changes the feeling of the environment and purifies the thought process. Anyone and everyone, who uses it, can vouch upon its style, elegance and luxury.

