Homespun Knitting Yarn can be another one ofthose misleading misnomers to anybody who is new to the world of knitting forfun or for profit. The name itself would imply that this is all simply yarnthat has been spun in your home or that of someone else equally individual innature but such is not always the case. Homespun yarn does have uniquequalities that make it fall under the classification of homespun yarn but theremay be many different variations as well.

The homespun knitting yarn is generally bulky orchunky knitting yarn. This is because the techniques used in homespun are, asthe name may imply, not commercial in nature and are subject to morelimitations than may otherwise be relevant in an industrial environment. Therewas one brand called Homespun Baby Yarn but it was not by any means a babyweight knitting yarn. What it was, was a bulky or chunky weight yarn made inmany of the same colors as the baby weight yarns were. However, this particularknitting yarn is no longer in production.

Some of the commercially available homespunknitting yarns come with a very fine strand of thread wrapped aroundeach individual strand in order to give the homespun yarn more tensile strengthand to lessen the likelihood of pulling or unraveling in the finished knittedgarments. However, some of the synthetic homespun yarns have been known tocause irritation or itching for some people. Additionally, the syntheticvariations of the homespun knitting yarns are more likely to pill especiallywith machine washing.

The homespun yarns are also available in a largeselection of colors as well but that may very well be due to the fact that thehomespun knitting yarns are made from many different types of fibers ormaterials. The homespun knitting yarn made from natural fibers can come from somany different sources that it is nearly impossible to list them all in asingle article short enough to be readable. A great many of the homespunknitting yarns are made with blended materials in order to improve strength, durability,elasticity or other desired qualities of knitting yarn.

Natural fiber homespun knitting yarn can be found made fromangora fur, alpaca wool, cotton yarn and just about any other fiber largeenough to be viable to spun using simpler and less complex methods. Thespinning process for most of the finer threads such as the lace weight, babyweight and other light knitting yarns make it difficult to create a trulyhomespun look or feel.

Due to the variations in fibers used to makehomespun knitting yarns, it is relatively easy to find them in a wide selectionof colors. Many people prefer to use the natural colors despite the minorvariations or in some cases, actually because of the slight variations of thefully natural thread for a more natural look in their knitted products. Onething that almost all Homespun knitting yarn has in common is the ease withwhich it can be knitted. The homespun knitting yarns are an excellent choicefor everyone from the beginning knitter to the professional knitting for profitand pleasure.


Authoris a small business coach and author of the exciting new E-book "Knitting forProfit - Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making Money from Knitting andCrochet".