Textures create good interest to anillustration, depicting the type of material to be used in the line withrealistic and nearing accuracy. These may be rendered in an accurate way whichcreates the feel of the fabric rather than showing every detail. Simpledrawings look better and more clearer and easier to interpret than cluttered,overworked drawings. It is not necessary to show a texture over the wholesurface of a garment. Try fading it in areas of highlight and darkening it inshadows, or render only the dark side of the figure, leaving the light sideplain. A white space down the highlighted side of the body between the colourand the outline adds interest and creates the effect of a highlight. Keep thesize of the texture in correct proportion to the size of the figure. Very smalltextures cannot be rendered accurately, so sometimes an impression of theoverall effect can be shown. When using colour, try using complementarycolours for shadows instead of blacks and greys. They still look like shadows,but add a lot of vitality to the work. Light bright and warm colours advance,dull dark and cool colours recede. On a walking figure, the back leg and footshould be shaded, and the front foot should be light. A spot of highlight canbe placed on the front knee to bring it forward. The further back the form, thedarker the shading can be. Keen observation and perception of fabric drapethrough photographs, especially black and white photographs will be helpful forproper rendering of figures

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Authoris Assoc. professor and Head, Department of Textiles and Apparel Designing, College of Home Science, MPUAT, Udaipur (Raj.)