In a consumption driven society, consumers get tointeract mainly with people in the sales outlets, whereas, there are other barebones such as manufacturers, wholesalers, dealers etc involved in the networkof 'Logistics'.

Apparel making has reached a phase wherein, it requires aright blend of lead time, quality, and cost. Apparel manufacturers need to keepabreast of the market trends so as to keep their rivals at bay. To facilitatethis, they need to have the right kind, and supply of the required fabrics thatmatch up with the current trends. Every apparel manufacturing company needs towork out with logistics to bring the required fabrics on the cutting table onthe right time.

As per recent reviews, global market for fashion apparels isestimated to be around $45 billion, with a predicted growth of 10% annually.Demand for fashion apparels has given way for more specialized services in thelogistics industry. An ultimate apparel making firm needs to have good topnotch services such as design development, vendor compliance, quality check onthe apparels, packing, delivery, and ultimately good consumer demand. Supplychain management and other logistics have become increasingly important forcompanies to remain competitive in the global market. This includes the entirechain of activities such as design, manufacturing, warehouse, delivery, andservice products.

A modern, efficient facility with appropriate storagesystems for the processing of merchandise is necessary. Adjustable garment railbrackets enable a flexible system to adapt a seasonal and stylish change in thegarment industry. A trolley conveyer system with an operator input movementwill reduce the picking time by 50%. To curtail the costs, multi level floor-to-ceilingbays can be created to enable fast order picking of flat and hanging garments.This system will optimize the full height of the building, and also use lessfloor space leaving more room for other activities. Sloped mesh decks makespicking of garments easier, and more ergonomic also.

During the past, companies mostly focused on the internalfacts within their own company. Now they have started extending their effortswell beyond, encompassing the entire supply chain. Technology is the latest hitword in the apparel world. With novel technology solutions, apparel makers are attemptingto reap rewards with integrated supply chains. More focus is placed inpackaging improvements and standardization across the suppliers.

Apparels have a short life cycle, and their demand dies withthe changes in trends. So it is more important, that these merchandise reachthe store racks within a short period of its manufacture so as to satisfy the ficklefashioned consumers. Currently, many apparel makers are going in the naturalway. New logistics platform structures mark the start of market integration,making brands to expand their market across the globe. This makes competitionmore intense, thereby putting the apparel merchandisers under more pressure forsurvival.

Logistics in apparel industry is more trends driven,comparatively over other verticals. The core principle for success in apparelfashion business is the time to market. Most of the retailers today, sourcetheir manufacturing operations to countries where labor costs are cheap. Incase of outsourcing manufacturing activities, turning a design concept into afinished product requires much attention. Short response time is more importantto meet with the ever changing market demands. Controlling the complete productlifecycle; from design to sale is called as vertical integration. Technologyand logistics need to get the job done on time, and also ensure good quality.This will provide an end-to-end control of the process, adequate quality, costefficiency, and ultimately satisfied and long term customers.

The responsibility for planning, and maintaining appropriatelogistics is evolving continuously, becoming a challenging region, therebydemanding more focus from the apparel manufacturers.

