
Textile technologists have been constantly concentrating onthe retrieval of alternative for what had done a lot of hazards to theenvironment. Fibers produced by synthesis of chemicals posses non-degradabilitywhen dissipated from usage though they have been comfort fully used asclothing. There is a profound importance for finding bio-degradable materialsthat could compete.

Finding a new material with desired properties, it is easierto explore into a deep insight of what we have, the natural fibers. Almost allnatural fibers are biologically degradable and possess excellent wearableproperties. Researches are being carried out in two phases, one to find hightech materials for advanced applications and the other to enhance theproperties of nature gifted materials to common usage.

Wool is the well known protein fiber utilized for theproduction of casuals in western countries which has cold climatic conditions.In Asian countries it is used as the material for sweaters to be used during winterseason. The costly prices of wool sweaters are well known to everyone.

Acrylic is a synthesized fiber which possesses propertiessimilar to wool and is extensively used for the manufacturing of sweaters in acost effective manner. This could give a vast production with reduced marketcosts. Still usage of acrylic is common because of its easy care. The thermalmaintenance of the fiber is also excellent so that it could give warmthness ofabove what had been expected. Acrylic being a man made polymer fiber it alsosuffers the same non bio degradable problem. This would become a serious issuein near future and works to find materials that could replace this is done at aleast magnitude.

Natural fibers have been gaining momentum in currentindustrial situation because of their desirable qualities and abundance inquantity. Also they have to be processed both mechanically and chemically toimprove their appearance, feel and other properties which would consume a lotin the end product price in the market. Methods are to be developed to competetheir usage in an economical way with synthetic materials.

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About the Author:

Theauthor is associated with PSG Polytechnic College, Peelamedu, Coimbatore