Many businesses are taking for granted that consumers be acquainted with what their products are all about. But how could it is possible? How can a consumer identify without a bit of experience about your business? It is your task to inform them both visually (in the form of logo) and verbally (with a short communication and meaning of your products). You should present potential consumers all details to approach to your business- How it is possible? Why or for what reason the customer will buy your products?

For example : According a survey repot of STS Market Research : More than a past three years, 8 of 10 of denim jeans customers procured absolutely either national brands or private labels and customers are loyal to denim jeans brand types. In general, more customers procured national-brand than private label denim jeans (72% vs. 47%), reliable with the fact that national-brand jeans outsold private label jeans (60% to 40% in 2003 on a unit basis). Of customers who procured denim jeans, 53% procured only national brands, 28% procured only private labels, and 19% procured both (i.e., cross-shopped between brand types).

So what is meant by 'Brand', 'Brand Management', 'Branding' or 'Brand loyalty'? Why the word branding has turned into so hot topic today?

Before going discuss about the term brand, let's talk about the misconception about the brand:

.It is not particularly a logo: Of course the logo is considered as a part of a brand.
.It not particularly denotes the corporate identity: A corporate identity describes the behavior and proceedings of applying the company symbols, logo on printed materials, publications, etc.
.It is not particularly a product: Marketing staffs in the company may have faulty conception by thinking that they manage brands. Instead of managing products, sales etc.

A brand is considered as the kind of spirit, the connotation and the impression about your product. It in fact it shows the sentiments and opinion or approach of the person towards your product, service and company. It is the indescribable feature you generate in the minds of the people. The brand is distinct by the people, not by companies or markets. When an adequate number of persons turned up some conclusion, then it is considered the company certainly has a brand. You can evaluate a brand with its competitors only by diversities of the product.

So the brand is a product or services uniqueness in the market place, stressed on the logo, a constant visual image, the individuality and marketability of the product or service's name. Brand loyalty is referred as the brands that customer usually and repeatedly purchase from the same producers rather than purchasing from other producers within the same category of products. In other words it denotes the degree to which a customer time after time procures the same brand within a product category. "The Brand Gap", is the management of dissimilarity as they appeared in the minds of people. Brand Preference is defined as the degree of brand loyalty in which a consumer desires one brand over competitive offerings.

There are many types of brands
.Manufacturer Brands - Brands set off for producers
.Private Distributor Brands - Brands set off and owned by resellers - dealer, private or store brands
.Generic Brands - - Brands set off only for the product category

According to Vivaldi Partners and Forbes Magazine by way of BrandRepublic, Apple is the fastest growing brand in the world. The brand shows why a product survives and where they are moving. It must be designed to consider the time phrase, customer's mindset and accordance with the modification in technology.

Principles of branding

Developing brand identity

One should have to consider the following points, when establishing a brand:
First and foremost it connotes "Who", means "Who is this brand?", Afterwards it connotes "What" and "Why" means "what performance does this brand will perform?", and "why does the brand developed?"
The above questions provide the particular answer about its vision, values, mission, territory, brad's style and language, brand's customer base to make the strategy according to the products or services.

Selecting products with a significance

The more go-getting brand, higher the value for selecting the product to begin the brand campaign. This should in fact focus on the product which signifies the brand's purpose - the product which carries the brand's prospective to carry revolution. Product features also provides a prospective hold for the brand. There are two substitute strategies are consider while developing a brand - to communicate the brand meaning, its pretend importance, and its objective expressing to the customer.

Brand communication and language

In a concept wise or word wise brand identity cannot be compacted. By means of good amalgamation of spoken and visual language the brand might be selected to develop a perfect way of communication.
This in fact is in the form of mixture of logo, emblem, pictures and slogans in the advertisings.

Selecting the right name for the brand

There is an immense importance to be grown from a sound brand name. The right name apparent the way for market recognition. Thus, the improvement of the right brand name is extremely vital for the accomplishment of a product and the business. If handled appropriately, a new brand name can become one of a company's most precious and very important resources. The brand name has the generally greatest function as the customers procure brands rather than products.

Selecting a Brand Name

The name should
.be easy to say, spell, and remember
.specify the product's key advantages.
.propose the product's key application and special characteristics.
.be unique; set it apart from contending brands.
.be well-matched with all products in line.
.be intended for use and acknowledgment in all types of media

Actually depending upon the brand's proposed vocation the name selected. There are four types of ways while selecting names.
.Neologisms - new word, created word - For example Xerox.
.Current Usage Words: Words that already have meaning.
.The Hybrid: Mixture of current usage words
.The Acronym: A set of letters that represents a indented message - like IBM, Sony's VIOM, an acronym for Video Audio Integrated Operation

Assessing brand awareness

In order to maximize brand recognition, thriving brand awareness programmes required. It reveals how many persons are aware about the brand or services, a brand without awareness is considered as less influenced. It is attained not by merely a repeating the name in the advertisings but by creating attraction and attention, it is designed in such a manner, in which instantly build up a relationship between the brand and consumers.

Brand protection

In all the countries where it intended to develop into a brand name should be protected from any duplication of products.

Design and Branding

Design keeps in long run the Brand. Today the consumers are becoming aware and choosy about the design, in other words they became more conscious for design than ever before; good design formulates the distinction in competitive markets. Successful companies go forward to maintain good relations with their customers.
Apple's product design sophistication in both hardware and software performs a vital task in the company's brand message. Ask your friend who has purchased a new iPod, will tell you about the attractiveness of the packaging, its straightforwardness and concentration to detail attaching in with the product itself.

Significance of sensorial practice in branding

Today, the world has stirred to go from an industrially obsessed economy to a people-driven economy that places the customer as the king. Each foremost brand is going ahead to sell life style perception in run to race in another way. They understand that the new market prospects are not based on compressing costs and rising profits but are in novel deliberation. Inspiring and novel views are now surpassing resources as the main principal of development. The accomplishment is actually done by accepting people's emotional requirements and it is achieved by emotional branding.

Due to application of emotional branding with your products the brand consist with its long-term value. It is all regarding to sensorial feelings. The appearance of the six senses cannot be ignored in the business environment.

New approach in fashion industry

The buyer is now became king. The preference in the market is never-ending and the requirement to purchase clothes is not as much definite. It all depends on the practice utilized to sell clothes. The fashion market is vibrant, inspired business and about self expression, feelings and distinctiveness. The fashion market is itself in its divergent positions. It now became a worldwide business including designers, merchandisers, technologists, logistic managers, strategies, buyers, marketers, investors, managers etc. In the dynamic economy, quick distribution, quick feedback, adaptable approaches and the frequent push to propose novel products to customers have to be handling successfully.

Design and marketing management have become important in fashion industry. Designer monitors whole thing from resources to shop design, from brand identity to approaches. He performs as a head of branding and marketing. They generate the finish brand and its significance. These customers do not require clothes, but they just want possessing them. Profitable brands that attain this long-term loyalty by helping their customers, linking with them, accepting their requirements are likely to be in the market for years.

High street brands such as Zara and H&M have set garments valuable of Prada and Gucci. Those retailers who incorporated in the form of the luxury goods sector have to describe themselves not only by their product ranges, but also by their service.

A well known brand Zara is famous around the world for men, women and children's wear truthfully a global brand has hundreds of retail settings all over the place from Abu Dhabi to Uruguay and is the main division of Inditex, one of the biggest fashion retail groups worldwide. The clothing brand has increased its high-fashion and low-cost brand significance a long way and large by set up various distinctive, yet successful performance. A further significant reason in the Zara brand triumph story is reliability in who's operating the performance. Roughly 92 percent of all six-hundred-fifty-something places are possessed completely by Zara, permitting for large domination over the brand's implementation strategy.


It is the customer, the king, who will come to a decision to buy or not. So a brand followed by others for its survival. The qualities of the company, its uniqueness will turn into the most important aspect in creating the alternative between one company and its products and another. Branding now has turned into more significant than ever before.