It is estimated that about 60-70% of emission of CO2 in the environment is due to the fuel combustion in the industries. The Textile industry is one of such polluters of the environment besides steel, cement and fertilizer industry.

The global textile industry produces about 60 billion kg of fabric annually and irresponsible for the production of large amount of the carbon emission by various processes such as dying, bleaching, and finishing. It is estimated that about 132 million metric tons of coal is burned year on year basic and about 9trillion of water is used in the processes. It is this textile processing units which have raised many major environmental issues and can be well described as Elephant in the Room.

India's total emissions are the fourth-largest in the world, after the United States, China and Russia,though its per capita footprint remains lower at 1.2 tons annually, compared to20 tons in the United States and the world average of 4 tons. In US, the textile industry is the 5th largest contributor of CO2 emissions and its worst in the rest of the world.

Whereas, in India the total emission from the textile industry is estimated to be18.12 million tons.

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