Cotton, rightly praised as the 'king of fibers' for its notable qualities. What does the future have in store for this noble fibre?

Cotton has been used in fabrics for thousands of years and is appreciated for its unbelievable virtues. Favored by environmentalists, it is also blended with other fibers to combine the benefits of both. As a natural fiber, it suits people with sensitive skin and is a breathable fabric ideal for warm seasons. Its high absorbent nature allows easy dyeing, and its recyclability adds to its appeal. All these virtues rightfully earn cotton the title of 'White Gold.'

The cotton plant has numerous applications beneficial to mankind. Aside from its fibers used for making fabrics, the linters of the plant provide cellulose used in making furniture padding, paper, etc. Cotton seeds are utilized for oil extraction, later used as animal feed or fertilizer. The slender stalks of the plant are even employed to enrich the soil, showcasing the versatility of the plant. Despite its numerous profitable applications, ongoing research aims to further explore and utilize the cotton plant and its components.

Recycled Cotton:

Cotton is recycled, with the resulting by-product used as mulch to protect the soil, retaining moisture, controlling weeds, and providing nutrition. Unwanted cotton burs, leftover lint, and stems are transformed into profitable items. After seeds and debris are removed at the gin, the remaining material is used for mulch. This benefits the soil by holding moisture, reducing water loss due to heat and winds, and preventing soil splashing on the plant, averting soil-borne bacteria. This cotton hydro-mulch proves commercially successful, utilizing waste material from cotton ginners and farmers.

Old cotton clothes find their way into future cars:

A recent research report reveals that, on average, 450 million pairs of jeans are purchased every year (Source: Each pair of jeans weighs approximately a kilogram. Used jeans are recycled, and the resulting cotton finds useful applications as insulation materials. Ford Company plans to use recycled cotton clothes to insulate its forthcoming 2012 Ford Focus cars. Recycled cotton fabrics will be employed as carpet backing and for sound absorption to enhance interior quietness. The use of cotton from post-consumer and recycled blue jeans makes the car more eco-friendly, incorporating renewable and recycled materials.

Cotton wipes:

Raw cotton is cleaned and made into thin layers of fabric, and carbon is sealed between the layers of this non-woven fabric. This fabric is used as decontamination wipes. While the cotton fabric absorbs oil or any other liquid, the carbon within the layers neutralizes the toxin.

Its the nanotechnology inspiration:

Cotton threads are given special properties through nanotechnology applications. Thin fibres of cotton are covered with microscopic particles that enable them to conduct electricity. These fabrics can be used to make garments that can monitor heart beats. These fabrics can create colors without dyes, and change colors in a moment.

Cotton for controlling damages:

Waste cotton materials can be used to absorb damages caused by natural disasters such as oil spills. This waste cotton material not only has more absorbing capacity, but is also environmentally friendly. A new absorbent material, made from the renewable resource; 100% cotton, and can absorb water, oil, transmission fluid, grease etc. This material is 50% more absorbent comparatively over polypropylene materials. It not only absorbs oil, but also floats on the top of water making it to reduce the damage of oil spills.

Current technology has enhanced production efficiency. It has enabled the production of cotton twice more than it used to be decades before. Potential applications of cotton are immense. This ancient crop is righteously being praised for all its intrinsic worth.
