
The world of retail marketing just got a lot more personal. Consumers are embracing new ideas and technologies and expecting their retailers to take advantage of those innovations to create a more individualized shopping experience.Retailers have many more creative channels available to customize their interaction with customers, and new tools keep emerging to withstand in the competitive arena. These advances allow retailers to quickly respond to changing customer expectations and offer creative encounters that can improve brand loyalty and bottom-line sales. These new trends increase the channels-through which retailers can reach customers.

Exciting trends in retail

Social Media

Retailers can't afford to ignore the fact that consumers have solidly embraced social media. A January 2010 consumer attitudes survey on social media has shown that shoppers are more likely to do business with a retailer who recognizes them as unique individuals through social media.

Consumers are ready to share engaging social media experiences with retailers. In a 2008consumer experience study, 76 percent welcomed brand advertising on their social networks. The same study reported nearly 40 percent of consumers have"friend" a brand on Facebook or MySpace, and 26 percent follow a brand on Twitter. 2 Consumers want a personalized experience. Every contact that a retailer has with customers using social media, such as Facebook status and Twitter updates, will build relationships and ultimately influence the buying decision.

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The authors areassociated with Department of Fashion Technology, Angel College of Engineeringand Technology, Tirupur.