
This paper deals with the types of metal yarns, known for about 3000 years, their manufacturing processes, care and maintenance, uses of metallic yarns and fibers in the textile and other industries; in general the metal yarns are used in sarees known as "zari". Recently it has found new application in electronic textiles, better known as "smart textiles". These yarns have also entered into the fiber and fashion industry. The gold and silver filaments were the firstman-made yarns. As technologies developed, the coated and different metallurgical yarns are being produced for various applications.


Metallic yarns have found its applications in various fields of textiles like conductive textiles, smart textiles, and fashion industry. Gold and silver filaments were the first man made yarns, as revealed by the history. In recent years, with the advancement in the technologies, new coloured and coated metal fibers and yarns are being produced now-a-days. These yarns are wrapped around some of the natural yarns like cotton to make them conductive and these yarns have found intensive place in the technical textiles.

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The authors are associated with Department Of Textile Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode District, Tamilnadu.