
Finishes are used on textile materials for various purposes, specifically considering some finishes to impart special properties to the fabric for specific end uses e.g.,flame and water repellent fabrics. Various parameters used during the process have effect on performance properties of the finish used. Therefore, keeping this in view, an attempt has been made to study performance of repellent silk fabrics using commercial retardants used for flame/water on silk and silk/cotton blended fabrics. Results showed that variation in rating in the case of WR and same class for FR in the acceptable range.


Silk is a luxurious protein fibre, which is beautiful, soft, smooth in hand(cultivated silk), this silk can be dyed, printed and finished as per customer requirements.

Finishing refers to completing the manufacture of cloth by surface treatment,specifically confined to final stage of embellishment after dyeing and printing. Finishing may take many forms, since it depends on the type of material used and intended use. Focusing on flame retardant (FR) finish fabric, it does not propagate the flame. Water repellent (WR) finishes are used in fabrics to resist wetting and these are relatively porous. Sometimes combined oil/water repellent finishes are used. Method of application of finishes on fabric,substrate, type of retardant used has effect on result of the finished fabric. Therefore,keeping this in view, a study has been made using commercial retardants as finish to look effect on performance parameters on different types of Silk and Silk/Cotton blended fabrics. FR and WR finishes were applied on fabrics using commercial methods in an Industry located at Bengaluru, Karnataka. Results are expressed in terms of Rating/Class.

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H.S. Hanumantha Naikand S. S. Ramatal are associated with the Dept. of Textile Technology, GSKSJTI, K. R. Circle,Bengaluru, Karnataka & D. Sargunamani is associated with TextileTesting Laboratory, CSTRI , CSB, Varanasi, U.P, India