Source: Tekstilna Industrija
Most people unquestionably have their favourite brands. Those brands unquestionably evoke different emotions within people as well. If the emotions are positive, the brand has greater chances of becoming popular. A brand has certain attributes (characteristics), personality, and its own self. It offers promises, guarantees value and quality. Human characteristics can be assigned to brands (brand personality), so they can be described with attributes used for describing people. If it is assumed that attributes can be assigned to dear persons, then it is possible to apply them to brands. Research on consumers' experiences with brands' attributes in the modern industry is presented in this paper, and some brand attributes among twenty of them are highly ranked, such as useful, urban, practical, creative, and global.
The word "brand" became synonymous with something good at the end of the 20th century. The simplest definition of a brand is an expression that products and services of high quality are called. According to a wider definition, the concept of a brand becomes synonymous with the highest universal value due to globalization and fast societal development. The word "brand" is used daily, and some brands have become more powerful than some world countries because a good brand brought big income. To create a good brand and manage it during its lifetime is not a process conducted overnight, but it takes years, decades, and sometimes even centuries.
Originally published in Tekstilna Industrija March 2011
Doc. dr Snežana Urošević is associated with Univerzitetu Beogradu, Tehnički fakultet u Boru, Prof. dr Milan Stamatović is associated with Metropolitan Univerzitet, Fakultet za menadžment & Danko Damjanović is with Alfa univerzitet, Fakultet za menadžment, Novi Sad