Apart from being a common sportswear, and worn during exercise, these apparels currently; are preferred by many for their comfort, and style.

Athletic wear started as a small sector, has gradually evolved into a mainstream fashion product. Changing lifestyle, emphasis of people on versatility, demand for functional performance of apparels, and a growing interest towards fitness outerwear are some reasons influencing the trends towards athletic wear. Apart from wearing in for athletic purposes, current trends of consumers depict that they are worn for fashion, and comfort reasons as well.

Global Market for Athletic Apparel:

Global market for athletic apparel in estimated to be around USD 6.40 billion, witnessing a 19.4% increase in the past four years. Industry experts predict a drastic growth rate of 18.75%,estimating the industry to reach USD 7.6 billion by 2014. US sportswear market proves to be the largest, accounting for 41% of the total sales followed by the EU acquiring a 38% share. Asian countries such as India and China are fast growing markets for sportswear. Fast growing markets for sports apparel are South Asia with 13%, Middle East with 16% and East & Central Europe with20% growth.
Athletic wear is one of the most heavily branded segments of apparel. Major brands of Nike, Reebok, and Adidas comprise 14% share of the total sportswear market. They compete with a multitude of small brands in the market. Other notable brands such as; Fila, Umbro, and Puma follows next with brands such as Lotto, Kappa, and New Balance following the former brands with a distance.
Versatility of Athletic Apparel:

A survey conducted by Cotton Inc among the consumers to exercise regularly revealed the purposes for which sports wear is generally purchased.

Though consumers generally prefer to wear athletic apparels during exercise, they also favor to wear it for other purposes as well. The nonbinding materials used in the apparel allow the body to move and bend in various directions. The materials used fit closely to the body, thus allowing the wearer to engage in his or her own activities with getting disturbed. This comfort makes it a preferred choice for wearing at other times also, apart from sporting activities.

Shopping Preferences:

Consumers who purchased athletic wear prefer to make informed decisions. Their purchasing decisions are mainly influenced by the sportsman or women they admire, or the team they follow, and aspire to buy and wear the same brand.

Most of them go through the label details before making buying decisions. Most of them are mainly concerned about the fibres from which the apparels are made. Though apparels are purchased based on the style, performance, and functional abilities of the fabric, cotton apparels are preferred over other synthetic fibres. Apparels made from organic, and natural fibres are also preferred. The apparel needs to be light weight, and versatile to enable mobility of the wearer.

Added to the concerns regarding fibres, another key factor influencing the buying decision is the moisture management ability of the garment. Consumers are willing to pay a hefty amount, provided, they get an apparel that wicks sweat away from the body. Here they make the choice, even if the apparel is of some other fibre other than cotton. Sports retailers and mass merchants are the most favorite choice of the consumers for buying sports apparel. Followed by this they prefer to shop in chain stores, and online.

Currently, women exhibit a proclivity towards athletic wear. Women mainly prefer comfortable and soft sports clothing. The choice is vast ranging from lycra and spandex tops, mini shorts, baggies, muscle tanks, bike shorts, and many more. Flexibility, fitness, and breathability comes next.

Performance of athletic apparel sector is more akin to the dynamics of hi-tech and pharmaceutical industries. In earlier times, clothes were mainly worn for covering the body, and protection against weather conditions. Later on, the trend started moving towards functionality of fabrics. Currently, sports apparels, apart from protection, functionality, and comfort is also focused on fashion, sophistication and style.

Any sports apparel brand that intends to become time less should take care of key factors such as; fibre content, price, quality, functional abilities, performance, and also be at par with the fashion trends.


1.      Lifestylemonitor.cottoninc.com

2.      Targetwoman.com

3.      Essortment.com

4.      Marketingcharts.com

5.      Prlog.org