Handbags are the most preferred fashion accessory for every woman, varying from small to large sizes, used to carry their personal items. It's a fashion accessory forewomen as well as a useful accessory that helps them carry all their necessities. Handbags come in various designs, shapes & sizes that could be used by women in various occasions.
There are various kinds of handbags that are apt for various occasions. A wrong kind of handbag carried by woman at an unsuitable occasion completely distorts her appearance and fashion statement. So, women have always got to take care to match their handbags and the occasion they use if for.
Some of the different kinds of handbags are:
Shoulder Strap Bag: It's the bag preferred by 80% of the women today. Such bags come in a very wide variety in various styles & sizes. It consists of a short strap hung over the shoulders;it may consist of a single or a double strap. These bags are not suitable for formal outfits, but they go very well with semi formals and casuals.
Tote Bags
Half moon bags (or) Hobo bags:Such bags are in a half moon shape made up of soft materials very apt to be carried with casual outfits. Such bags have a long strap to be hung around the shoulders. They go well with jeans, skirts and other casual outfits.
Muff: A small clutch like bag made up of fur, wool or velvet with compartments inside for holding various things and they've got no straps but a clip that's got to be clutched. It has to be handheld which looks neat & good.
Therefore, every woman has to take care to select the bags apt for the occasion, be it a wedding party, casual outings, shopping, college going or any other visit. The bag women carry must suit the occasion and the outfit they are in. Since handbag is a vital fashion accessory, great care has to be taken while selecting them. Because they are capable of distorting the entire look of the person, or they can even misinterpret the fashion statement of a woman.
Source: http://EzineArticles.com/