One can only imagine the changes that have occurred in the world. How different was the Earth in the times of the primitive men? Or for that matter, how different was the Earth a few decades back? One can say that man changed land from 'green to grey'! Pollutants and toxins have made the Earth a concrete jungle.

If this continues, life on Earth will become difficult. Chemicals and pollutants have already caused enough damage to nature. It is necessary to preserve nature and its resources to the utmost extent. Any step that we can take towards reducing the use of chemicals and toxins is going to benefit the environment.

In our day to day lives, we can take many measures to ensure that we contribute our bit towards saving nature. We can make use of products that have a lesser chemical content in them or are devoid of it. Organic fruits, vegetables, and clothing will see to it that our responsibility towards nature is shouldered.

Cotton clothes ought to make use of organic cotton as a raw material. Ordinary cotton is not environment-friendly. Researches indicate that the manner in which ordinary cotton is produced is extremely harmful to the environment. They make use of a considerable amount of pesticides and other chemicals which is later released into land and water.

This is not the case with organic cotton. Organic cotton is cultivated in an environment-friendly manner. It hardly consumes any chemicals during the entire process of cultivation. So, there are no chances of emitting harmful toxins into the land or water. It makes use of lesser water during cultivation, mixes organic herbs, and naturally fights pests.

Many surveys and studies have been conducted with regards to the cultivation of cotton. They indicate that only around three percent of the total world's farmland is occupied by cotton. But it makes use of almost 25 percent of the total chemicals used in the world. It consumes pesticides and fertilizers immensely.

Cultivation of cotton makes use of highly toxic pesticides like Defoliant Paraquat and Parathion. In fact, most of the chemicals used in the cultivation of cotton have the potential to cause cancer in human beings. Researches indicate that less than 10 percent of it is actually used in cotton production. Rest is consumed by the land that eventually reduces its fertility and contaminates surface water.

Organic cotton does not make use of any pesticides, fertilizers, or other chemicals at the time of cultivation. Hence, there are no chances of harmful chemicals getting combined with the soil. It improves land quality over time as the farmers of organic cotton usually involve in crop rotation. It keeps the water in the area free from chemical influences or reactions.

Even the dyes and pigments used to color the apparel are organic. They are prepared naturally from flowers, fruits, roots, leaves, bark, and other sources. No harmful chemicals are made use of in the entire production process. Animal based dyes and dyes made from minerals are not used in this type of cotton.

One of the many advantages of using organic cotton is that it is comfortable to wear. People who have a chemically sensitive skin may not suffer from any allergic reactions owing to the use of this fabric. It is easy on all types of skin. Babies especially need to use this material since their skin is more delicate.

It does not expose the body to allergic reactions and harmful diseases like cancer, for sure! But there is one more advantage to the use of organic cotton. It is comfortable to wear. Since skin does not suffer owing to its use, its use is increasing day by day. Though expensive, it brings satisfaction to the wearer since it involves ethical practices.

The environment friendly cotton absorbs moisture from the body when worn. Thereby, it maintains the body temperature in extreme weather conditions. One may not feel too hot even if it is hot outside, if one is wearing organic cotton. They are the most reliable material to make socks. They keep the feet warm by soaking moisture from it.

They can be safely disposed any where. Since they do not make use of any toxic chemicals during their production, they do not leave behind any toxins when disposed. They decompose into the soil safely. They do not leave behind chemicals that are harmful to the soil or human beings in the short or long run.

Organic cotton can also be recycled as ordinary cotton. That makes them even more environment-friendly. It is recycled in factories and the raw material is used to make fresh fabric or accessories. Their use may not be restricted to mere clothing. They are sustainable products and can be used for years together.

However, not all vendors who trade in organic cotton may be genuine. Many times, shopkeepers cheat innocent consumers by selling normal cotton as organic cotton. Only those products who are Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certified should be purchased. The products having these standards are genuinely organic products.


These products are not only advantageous but also necessary for the environment. They help in creating a greener world. One should make maximum efforts to resort to the use of these products. They are beneficial for nature and for human beings, alike!

