Looking good is no longer an advantage; it has become a necessity. To succeed in any field, having an appealing personality is crucial, irrespective of gender. Both men and women need to look good to navigate through life more easily. If you are fashionable and stylish, things are likely to go more smoothly for you to some extent.

It is widely accepted that you feel more confident when you know you are looking good. If you have a good sense of fashion and clothing, you will always be a step ahead of your peers. You will be comfortable in the midst of any crowd, able to present yourself better, and people will be more willing to listen to you and accept you.

Colors play a significant role in your fashion sense. In fact, the colors you wear determine how fashionable you are. You don't need to dress in bright and glittery attire all the time to be labeled fashionable, but you should avoid dull colors and the 'Plain Jane' look. Colorful clothes and accessories make you look fashionable and glamorous.

Fashion sense is subjective, and your sense of fashion says a lot about your personality. So do the colors you wear. The colors you choose describe your preferences, and this, in turn, reflects your personality. People associate certain traits with specific colors, and when you wear a particular color, those associated traits become linked to you.

Fashion experts place a lot of emphasis on seasonal colors. Certain colors are best suited for specific seasons. Bold colors are ideal for monsoons, dark colors for winters, and pastel colors for summers. Selecting colors in this manner shows your preference for comfort in fashion.

Dressing appropriately for a given situation indicates that you are a disciplined fashion enthusiast. For instance, dull colors like white, black, brown, and navy blue are suitable for office attire. Bright colors like yellow, red, pink, green, and others are more appropriate for casual wear. Opting for golden, silver, wine red, and other glittering colors at parties shows that you like to follow a particular fashion protocol.

Many people prefer to wear colors that are not commonly found in stores, instead of the usual red, blue, green, yellow, white, or black. Wearing colors like olive, burgundy, peach, peacock blue, silver, beige, and others reflects their unique taste. These individuals are fashion leaders, not mere followers. They set trends.

Then, there are favorites in terms of colors. People prefer to wear their favorite colors often! Each color symbolizes a certain quality. For example, red symbolizes passion, pink symbolizes romance, white symbolizes innocence and purity, black symbolizes power, and so on. Favorite colors help in deciding the kind the individual is by nature!

Wearing a certain color also has a psychological edge to it. You send a message across for the onlookers, knowingly or unknowingly, by wearing a certain color. You choose a color on the basis of the emotion, mood, or feeling that you are experiencing at that moment. Colors have the power to alter moods.

Fashion largely encompasses colorful clothes. But wearing colorful clothes is not 'the one and the all' in the world of fashion. It also means wearing colorful accessories. Again accessories need to mix and match with the color of the clothes to make the desired impact. Besides, you also need to take care that they are not over the limit in quantity.

The ability to mix and match colorful clothes is an important attribute of having good fashion sense. If you wear a yellow colored top and a red colored trouser, you are bound to be considered as having a horrible fashion sense! You can wear a brown or blue trouser below a yellow top. This combination will create the needed impact.

If you choose the right colors, you are sure to be considered fashion conscious. But that does not mean that you stick to only limited colors that are universally accepted to be good or that suit your skin tone. You should experiment with different colors. This will help you wear colors that do not otherwise suit your complexion in ways that it does!

Demand for certain colored clothes change with time. Colors are just like fashion. Trends in colors keep changing with time and region as the trends in fashion. In certain countries, white is supposed to be worn in auspicious occasions like marriage. In certain other countries, white is the color for mourning.

There is no denial to the statement that the colors you wear are proportional to your fashion sense. They convey a message across about how fashionable you are and about your personality. Colors and fashion go hand in hand! If you pick the right color to wear in a particular occasion, you are a fashionable human being.


  1. About.com
  2. Askandyaboutclothes.com