In the last two centuries, cotton has played a major role, which dominates fibre in cloth production, due to its amalgamation, comfort and durability properties. According to 'USDA Economic Research Service', global cotton production is predicted to decrease in the year2012 2013. China is noted as the largest cotton producers of the world, followed by India and United States of America, where 22% of world cotton production and 17% of Total Supply comes from India.

According to research analyst, India has overtaken the US to become the largest cotton exporter to China. Between September 2011 and May 2012, China imported 1.783 million tons of cotton from India, compared to import of 993,000 tons of cotton from the US. During the same period, China also imported 374,000 tons of cotton from Australia, 332,000tons from Brazil and 242,000 tons from Uzbekistan.

As the start of the 2012/13 season approaches, demand projections for the upcoming season were revised slightly this month; 2012/13total U.S. cotton demand is forecast at 15.5 million bales, 600,000 bales above the latest 2011/12 estimate. As perrecent analysis, the year 2012 13 has been projected to almost decline in all major producing countries. Compare to last year 2011, global cotton production in2012 13 is likely to decrease by 7% to 113.8 million bales, whereas, the harvested area is expected to be 33.9 million hectares and yields to 750kg/hectare.

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