Ballet is a slow performance dance. Fashion industry had been into Fast Fashion trends during the past decade. Currently it is inclining towards as low performance ballet of Slow Fashion trends.

Sustainability has shifted the focus of fashion industry from Fast to Slow fashion. Apparel and fashion sectors are influenced by each other. Recent economy had influenced people's mindset, and the way they plan to spend their money for clothing. Consumer pressure is always not a main driver for fashion industry. With the environmental concerns intensifying with every passing day, factors such as environmental regulations, trade agreements, and other safety standards also play a crucial role in shaping the industry. Sustainable practices adopted inthe apparel, and textile sector has its impact in the fashion sector too.

Fast Vs Slow Fashion:

Fast fashion is more about speed; selling more in short time, and making more money. And in the pursuit of more profits, along with time, other factors such as labor, capital, and natural resources also gets squeezed. Shorter lead times and inexpensive clothes lead to exploitation of labor and other resources. It was much in practice during the past decade.Clothes were worn for a short time, and dumped quickly. Fast fashion involves high speed and high volume of production, consumption and disposal. Customers are not aware of the negative ethical environmental impacts. Fast fashion culture creates customers who shop at alarming rates, and quickly dispose them to landfill.

Slow fashion is about going back to basics, and limiting the cycle of consuming. It can be defined as a fashion with integrity. The concept of slow fashion acquires its inspiration from the slow food movement that links food and contentment with awareness and responsibility. Blending the ideas of slow movement with the fashion apparel industry, a new era for fashion is created, where the joy of wearing fashionable clothes are linked with an awareness of the planet's safety.

Garment workers spend more time on each piece of apparel manufactured, resulting in preserving the jobs. Slow fashion makes enables a rich interaction between the fashion designer, manufacturer, and the ultimate consumer. A bond is created between all the people involved in the supply chain process exceeding the common vision of the apparel supply chain.

Being slow will be an alternative to one's obsession with speed. Slow fashion is all about conceptualizing, designing, manufacturing and living better. It is not just about the time, but is also quality based. Slow fashion is not an opposite for fast fashion. There is no dualism, but a variance in the approach of the designers, retailers, and consumers. They are much aware of the worker's rights, environmental safety, and are concerned about the future of the planet.

Price Factors:

Designers meet consumer preferences by creating designs and offer them with emotional significance. Telling the story behind the making of the garment, and inviting the ultimate consumer to be a part of the process ensures lasting relationships which will ultimately result in a stronger movement. Quality always comes with a bigger price tag. Limited apparels are purchased, but for a higher value.

Motivating classic designs over the passing trends will contribute to the longevity of the apparels, and also to the future of the planet. Slow fashion has influenced major brands such as Christophe Lemaire, Hermes, and Haider Ackkermann, who are now supporting the trend. The movement has also got the support of fashion designers such as Marion McKee, and Tristan Gribbin who have launched their collections into the slow fashion market.

The future of fashion looks more radical with new technological innovations, environmental focus, and transformation in cultural norms which holds a rosy hope for the fashion industry to change beyond recognition. Along with respecting the apparel worker's rights, and the environment, beautiful and elegant apparels can be manufactured.

