Children and Walt Disney characters share an inexplicable bond, with the magnetic charm of the Disney characters drawing children towards them from all over the world. These interesting characters, with wonderful tales surrounding each one of them, unfailingly ignite the fancy of the young, the strongest complement to the imagination that has created such endearing characters.

Not surprising then that children of all ages love to dress up in various Disney characters and be like thembe it Cinderella, Alice in Wonderful, Mickey Mouse. No childrens party is truly complete with kids dressed up in costumes of at least some Disney characters, as the opportunity to dress up like some of their favorite comic book and animation characters is simply irresistible for kids. Children love parties, particularly theme parties, not just for the chocolates and cakes, but also to see and enjoy their beloved characters dressed up in their costumes. If chocolates bring a smile on the faces of children, colorful costumes bring forth their unadulterated joy and playfulness. Isn't seeing a happy, playful child a joy to behold!

It is amazing how some characters just capture a childs heart. Just ask a little girl about her Barbie doll. Similarly, the fairy tale of Cinderella holds untold appeal, even amongst kids who are probably not old enough to understand the intricacies of the tale. Cinderella costumes, which accentuate the beauty, simplicity and sincerity of this famous Disney character, are an all-time favorite.

Children, particularly girls, are simply fascinated by the idea of mermaids and princesses. May be it has to do with images of beauty and elegance that flash across, the moment we talk of a mermaid. Ariel the little mermaid princess is truly a character made for fantasies; which girl wouldnt love to step into the long dressy gown that forms part of the mermaids costume?

Another favorite among kids is the Belle Princess costume from Disneys Beauty and the Beast. The story of this beautiful woman held hostage by a monster holds special appeal. When Disney released this animated feature almost 15 years ago, it grossed over $330 million in revenues at the box office worldwide. No wonder then that every Halloween, the Belle Princess costume is in high demand; the magical appeal of some fairy tales just lingers on forever.

Last, but certainly not the least, an all time favorite costume amongst children is that of Mickey Mouse, a character almost as recognizable worldwide as the golden arches of McDonalds.

So, let the kids make merry in their cute childrens costume, masquerading as characters that they read and dream about everyday.

About the author:

Dave Fisher is President of Eastern Toys ( , a top online retailer (and an eBay PowerSeller) of all kinds of Halloween costumes. Check out this comprehensive selection of Childrens Costumes for some innocent fun this Halloween.

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