Thetextile machinery manufacturers produce for a purpose and with clients in mind:textile manufacturers. Fibre2Fashion
Textile manufacturers, the obvioustarget audience of textile machinery manufacturers, have a lot to say - fromthe brands they use and prefer to the problems they face during the productionprocess. And they have their own set of solutions and suggestions on howmachinery manufacturers can make life easier for them. Most are plausible andcan be implemented.
On issuesthat machines face
There are a number of issues thatcropped up when Fibre2Fashionspoke to textile manufacturers.
"Moreover, in the open endmachines from Reiter, the piecing quality is average and the packagecompactness is less. Schlafhorst autoconer machines, on the other hand, havehigh consumption of spares. Besides these, the splicing strength of Murata& Schlafhorst Autoconer is low as compared to Savio."
The main issue that NarendraKaushik, VP-Spinning Operations with Pratibha Syntex, faces is that ofcontamination. The suggestion he has in mind is to improve the quality ofcotton at the ginning stage itself. Shekhar Agarwal, vice chairman of LNJBhilwara, says, "After-sales service needs to improve in the country forall imported machines. The technicians are not properly trained, and sometimesspare parts are not available and have to be imported." According toRajeev Bansal, managing director of Celestial India, the main problem he faceswith Terrot knitting machines is that of the high knitting needle cost."
Jalan also has a number ofsuggestions for machinery manufacturers. He believes, "Rieter is a trustedbrand and has excellent post-sales service as well. They should startmanufacturing all range of machines in India to bring down the cost withoutcompromising on the quality. For their part, LMW must improve upon the qualityof the components assembled in its machines. The KTTM machines should bere-designed for consumption of less power. As the apron life is shorter, theyshould do some R&D to improve the life of aprons.
"These apart, the open end
machines from Reiter have to improve on the piecing and packaging quality
through technological interventions and innovations. The number of mechanical
components in Schlafhorst Autoconer has to be reduced for low spares
consumption. Also, Murata & Schlafhorst autoconer machines have to
incorporate new splicer with an improved splicing strength."
brands popularly used
Bansal, Managing Director, Celestial India
Knitting: Terrot Garmenting:
Pegasus, Yamato, Juki, Jack
Ravi S
Jalan, Managing Director, GHCL Ltd
Spinning: Rieter, LMW, KTTM,
Murata, Savio, Schflorst, Suessen
Agarwal, Vice Chairman, LNJ Bhilwara
Spinning: LMW, Rieter, Murata,
Schlafhorst, Uster
Weaving: Dornier
Knitting: Fukuhara, Mayer &
Cie, Karl Mayer Garmenting: Pegasus, Brother, Juki
Kaushik, VP - Spinning Operations, Pratibha Syntex
Spinning: Blow-room: Casrol, LMW,
Truetzschler; Cards: Casrol, LMW, Trutzschler; Draw-frame: Toyoda, LMW,
Trutzschler; Combers: Toyoda; Simplex: Texmaco, LMW; Ringframe: Toyoda, KTTM,
LMW; Autoconers: Murata, Savio; Conditioning plant: Xorella, Sieger; Air-jet:
Murata; Open-end: Saurer SE-10, Saurer SE-12
Parikh, Managing Partner, Parikh Patel & Co
Ginning: Bajaj Industries, India -
double roller gins and lint openers; Samuel Jackson, USA - steam conditioners
and bailing press imported by Bajaj Industries; Truetzschler, Germany
contamination cleaning system with ultrasonic cleaning
Choudhary, Managing Director, Spentex Industries
Spinning: Reiter, Zinser, Murata,
Marzoli, Schlafhorst, LMW.
training people
People are the greatest
asset of any organisation, asserts Jalan. He believes proper training is must
for efficient use of technology to remain competitive in the market place.
"We have a high level training module to ensure the best use of technology
for every machine. If we talk about any specific training experience, we would
like to add that: (i) in the Reiter open end machines, they need to either
improve the composition of the machines in a manner that the tail end
preparation becomes easier or they should train their customers' technicians
properly; and (ii) in case of LMW machines, they need to make more
user-friendly techniques for comber settings to improve the overall experience
of technicians."
Mukund Choudhary, managing
director of Spentex Industries, says about the process followed in his
organisation, "Due to state-of-the-art technology and new generation of
machines, the operational problems are self-explanatory. Newly-joined trainees
are being trained to operate the machines. The total training course is of four
There are three areas where
Kaushik sees challenges: the availability of manpower itself, the regular
attrition of workers, and that of changing the mindset of workers. Agarwal
says, "Spinning is not an issue, but there are issues relating to knitting
and dyeing/ finishing." Bansal feels training people in the machinery
sector is not a tall order.
On beyond
after-sales service
Jalan has specific
requests for two machinery manufacturers, "LMW's after-sales service needs
to be improved during the warranty period. For Rieter, on the other hand, the
response time for fixing an issue is more which they can improve by increasing
their workforce of skilled engineers."
Choudhary looks out for two things
from machinery manufacturers. He feels they should provide timely service
support, and help in upgrading technical developments so as to keep the plant
Kaushik feels that spares of OEM
suppliers is very costly, and in case of any problem, the response time is very
high. Moreover, sometimes the delivery of parts takes quite long.He also feels
the need to have updates on the new developments in technology. Bansal thinks
availability of mechanics and spares need to be kept in mind.
The brands
they prefer
Bansal, Managing Director, Celestial India
Knitting: Fukuhara,
Garmenting: Juki, Pegasus
Ravi S
Jalan, Managing Director, GHCL Ltd
Spinning: Rieter for spinning
preparatory and ring frames;
Murata for coarse and medium
counts; Savio for finer count
Agarwal, Vice Chairman, LNJ Bhilwara
Spinning: Rieter
Weaving: Dornier
Knitting: TFO, Terrot, Mayer,
Kaushik, VP - Spinning Operations, Pratibha Syntex
Spinning: Machine Performance:
Trutzschler; Economical: LMW
On the
need for innovation
More innovations are
obviously needed. Choudhary has three areas where he looks forward to
innovations and improvements: auto doffing on ring frames, roving bobbin
transportation system, and link coners. Kaushik, on the other hand, wants to
see air-jet spinning technology being improved. For Agarwal, the keyword is
Jalan, however, has a bucket list. He lists them out: compact spinning system from Suessen; online monitoring system in ring frame from Premier Ultimo; auto doffer in ring frames; and, cotton contamination system for better clearing efficiency from Truetzschler SP-FPU.