The year 2015 promoted the significance of the organic cotton market. After 2014 showed a 10% growth in overall organic cotton production, the textile industry has moved together towards finding solutions. There is a noticeable improvement across the industry in business practices, stronger communication between supply chain tiers, an increase in certifications, and evidence of longer-term planning to increase sustainability efforts and much more.

Though many factors have contributed to this important shift, most of it can be attributed to two things. Firstly, increased market demand since more and more companies are getting committed to using organic cotton and setting targets explicitly for increasing their organic cotton use. And secondly, improved supply chain linkages as brands and retailers are working to secure their supply of organic, resulting in better connections between organic cotton farmers and the textile supply chain.

With all this growth happening, some barriers continue to remain:

  • The lack of abundant non-GMO seed is one of the most pressing issues with organic cotton today.
  • Shortage of organic cotton supply needs to be addressed through improved communication and connections across the supply chain.
  • Better market access for organic farmers in all regions to strengthen sourcing efforts so that organic cotton can come from more areas of the world.
  • The companies/authorities who purchase the finished product need to learn more about the benefits of organic cotton, empowering them to make informed decisions.

The achievements so far are worth mentioning:

  • 22% growth in certified facilities worldwide.
  • Number of GOTS certified facilities have grown by 18% and OCS facilities have grown by 26% over last year.
  • India, Bangladesh and China all saw more than 100% increase in their certified facilities.
  • 73% of companies use voluntary standards to verify their organic cotton.
  • The top five countries (India, China, Turkey, Tanzania, USA) produced 96.68% of total global organic cotton fiber.
  • India continues to be the biggest producer growing approximately 74% of the world�s organic cotton.

Do write to us at for a detailed study on the use and applications of organic cotton across the world.