Cotton is one of the world’s largest agricultural crops, its plentiful and economical production is making cotton products relatively inexpensive. But it’s worth picking over others as its good for both earth and earthlings.

A great many qualities of cotton fabrics – versatile, hypoallergenic, considerate, low maintenance, better breathe, clinging-free, comfortable, no pilling, no distortion in shape, and eco-friendly has captured an amazing place in everyone’s heart and wardrobe.

Here we have mentioned some of the top-notch trends driving cotton fabrics globally.

#1 Customer’s Choice: Cotton is becoming the 1st choice of customers all over the world as it has great potential to impress all generations on the planet. The cotton fabrics can be converted into anything from small pouches to elaborate dresses and everything in-between. The human race has found the pleasure of wearing cotton since 5000 BC and even in the modern world with an array of synthetic fabrics to choose from, cotton is the most used fabric in the entire world. 

Top cotton producers – China, India, and the USA produce more than half of the total global production of cotton to meet the market growing demand of customers. Click to Tweet

#2 Sustainability Promotion: The most sustainable- renewable- biodegradable fabric is Cotton which makes it an excellent choice for our planet. It breaks down very smoothly and leaves no trace behind. Shopper called it “The Fabric of Our Lives” as choosing cotton means choosing the environment. Cotton reduce water pollution by 26%, greenhouse gas emission by 46%, acid rain potential by 70%, energy by 62%, and water consumption by 91% according to the Soil Association. Today’s brands and shoppers are promoting sustainable fashion like never before as they both know cotton is the perfect choice for both human and the planet. Everyone is picking cotton to live a better life.

#3 Increase in Demand, Supply, and Trade: Cotton is the most important fabrics, about 75% of our clothing contains some cotton and 300 million farmers in 80 countries rely on cotton farming for their living. More than 90% of those farmers live in developing countries on farms of less than two hectares and cotton fibres represent an important cash crop for them, according to Better Cotton Initiatives. With time, cotton is ruling the textile industry with high demand, supply, and trade. Cotton fabrics have changed the textile and apparel industry with top-down and bottom-up approaches. With the increasing demand, the countries are coming together to export & import cotton products to fulfill every need of the supplier’s market.

#4 Price Outlook: According to trading on a Contract for Difference (CFD), cotton decreased 8.38 USD/Lbs. or 11.88 % since the beginning of 2019. The size of each contract is 50,000 pounds and its commodity code are TT. It is financially settled, and the final settlement price shall be set at the value of the New York Board of Trade Cotton futures contract on the termination day of the contract month, specified by the board of directors. This will provide all the small details of the cotton world – actual prices, historical data, forecast, statistics, chart, economic calendar, and news.

Wrapping it up: Textile and apparel trends are always changing with time, but cotton fabrics are here to stay forever. Explore the large varieties of cotton fabrics and flaunt it proudly- everywhere.

Explore more cotton reports on TexPro – A data intelligent tool can offer you the following:

-    Market share assessments across the globe.

-    Market forecasts for the last 10 years.

-    Market trends – Drivers, Constraints, Investment, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Opportunities, and recommendations.

-    Strategic analysis – SWOT analysis, Drivers and Constraints, Product/Technology analysis.

-    A strategic recommendation in key business segments based on the market estimations.

-    Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends.

-    Company profiling with well-defined strategies, financials, and recent developments.

-    Supply chain trends mapping the just-out technological advancements.

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