Textile contact Dermatitis, better known as clothing allergy, refers to the allergic reaction of the skin when it comes into contact with certain fabrics. The clothes themselves are not the problem but rather the chemical substances used when creating the pieces of clothing or even the texture of the fabrics used is. In this article, we will have a look at some of the most common causes of clothing allergies and what you can do about it.

Common Causes of Clothing Allergies

Clothes can be your best allies, keeping you warm in winter, cool in summer, and trendy all year round, or they can be your biggest enemies, giving you itchiness, discomfort, and even severe skin reactions and inflammations. The reasons behind these allergies can vary but some of the most common causes are:

1. Detergents.

Many people fail to realise that while detergents are used to keep clothes looking new and fresh, they can be very dangerous for both your body and the planet. Many commercial detergents use toxic ingredients such as dyes and perfume that cause allergic reactions among many users.

2. New pieces of clothing.

Probably the biggest factor for clothing allergies, new pieces of clothing can cause damage for the following reasons:

The materials and fabrics used. Many people fail to realise that they are allergic to certain fabrics until they purchase and wear a piece of clothing made out of that material. Buying a new piece of clothing from a material you have not worn before can increase the risk of an allergic reaction.

Chemicals. Many clothing retailers are known for their retail, culture, and brand morals, and more specifically for their lack of it. This is why many such brands use dangerous chemicals to treat their clothes. Trying on or wearing a new piece of clothing that has been exposed to these chemicals can trigger an allergic reaction when in contact with your skin.

Common Symptoms of Clothing Allergies

Some of the most commonly encountered symptoms of clothing allergies are:

skin redness;


scaly skin;

swelling and inflammation;

runny nose and watery eyes;

Look out for these symptoms in the areas most exposed to direct contact with the fabric or where you are inclined to sweat, such as your armpits, behind your knees, and in all areas where your clothes are tight on your body.

Common Remedies for Clothing Allergies

The first thing you want to do when fighting clothing allergies is to get properly diagnosed. You need to find out what you are allergic to, to be able to avoid that material. Once you have a diagnosis, you can start by eliminating the clothes made out of the fabric you are allergic to, switch to washing your clothes only with natural products, look for CBD tinctures online to help soothe the pain, and buy only those clothes made out of natural and ethically sourced fabrics.

Finally, clothing allergies can greatly impact the quality of your life, this is why it is important to pay attention to the clothing items you are wearing. And with the help of this article, you now know what the most common causes, symptoms, and remedies for textile allergies are.