The clothing industry is a global powerhouse, and so it is no surprise to see that so many APIs have emerged to cater to its needs.

Here are just 10 of those fashion-focused APIs which offer different functions that will be useful for organisations that make, market and sell clothing.


Ideal for personalising product recommendations, this trend-analysing API is well suited to online clothing retail, so long as you make use of web service test tools to ensure it is implemented correctly.


As the name suggests, this API focuses on making it straightforward for e-commerce sites to help customers buy garments of different sizes according to their needs and the availability of inventory.


Merchandise is a great way for businesses across all industries to grow brand awareness, and InkMonk is an API which allows for merch to be produced efficiently without the need for organisations to take over every aspect of the manufacturing and distribution.


An API which lets third parties tap into the features and functions of the Clothes2Order ecosystem, specifically with regards to letting third party sites sell custom garments from their own stores without needing to manage the production in-house.


Another sizing-based API, this time focusing on combining clothing with precise silhouettes so that shoppers can see how items will fit for their particular body type in a virtual fitting room before they make a buying decision.

Dress Code Finder

Adhering to dress codes is vital in many cases, and the Dress Code Finder API allows for location-based access to information on which venues and events have a particular code on what to wear enforced, which can of course be integrated into a site or app as needed.

Gilt Groupe

Harnessing the various capabilities of Gilt Group services through an API enables a number of capabilities which developers of clothing-based sites and apps will appreciate. This focuses on delivering discounts, deals and offers to customers on a rotating daily basis, and factors in things like access to sales figures and product info.


A versatile API which can help with delivering the most bespoke e-commerce clothes buying experience, meaning that sites do not need to stick with a standard template but can instead embrace their own, unique interfaces while also combining this standalone platform with any other presence they have on well-known marketplaces, including Amazon.

Colour Extractor for Apparel

Analysing images of clothing and determining the correct colours that are present is what this API is all about, and it can not only look out for the primary hues of a garment but will also take into account the less dominant tones so that you know exactly what you are dealing with when selling online.

Le New Black

Making an online showroom for fashion products is possible with Le New Black, as its API lets you comprehensively integrate whatever aspects you wish elsewhere, corralling everything from order info and inventory status to the sizes available and the materials used.

There are many more clothing industry APIs to consider, but by introducing you to these 10 initial options, hopefully you will get an idea of how much variety is out there.