Whether you want to hone your designing skills or learn from the very basics or master the art of sewing; there are plenty of courses you can find online. The best thing about online education is, you learn it in the comfort of your home. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced us to a whole new realm of online education and saw a massive increase in the popularity of online education; learning has never been this convenient. And while there is an ocean of degree/diploma programmes available to learn online, there are also courses available for a shorter period where anyone can learn for a couple of bucks.

Nevertheless, if you’re a total beginner who wants to explore more and has a high interest to learn about fashion designing, I’d reckon you to start from the basics as this would help you once you join an online course. Here we have listed a few tips on how to learn fashion online:

1.Know the Basics of Fashion Design

First and foremost, it’s important to have an adequate amount of knowledge on the technicalities and specificities of the fashion industry so that when you join an online class for fashion design, you don’t feel pressured or out of place. The more you know, the better it is. Look for an accredited online course and begin your journey to become a fine fashion designer.

2.Hone Your Skills

Being creative and being visionary adds up to no value or doesn't have any significance if you're without actual practical skills. Be more acquainted with the needle and thread, keep practising. Practice makes perfect. Even if you're not that great at it, it’ll help you improve with a few online classes and you'll see a huge difference. With an online course guiding you, your practical designing skills will slowly upgrade to a pro-level.

3.Put a Lot of Effort

If you're determined to learn fashion designing online and focus on it as a career, you have to put extra effort into it to achieve that. While there are plenty of online courses available, it’s best to choose the one that is more suitable for you and decide on what area you want to join that will really help you brush up your skills. Online classes are hassle-free, and you’ll have more time to focus.

4.Come Up With Your Brand

You might have just started your career and certainly not a pro-level yet but it’s always good to plan ahead and develop ideas to build your brand, your very own personal fashion brand. To sell your brand and for people to get noticed, you need to launch a website and advertise it on various social media platforms, and you need to start acting like a fashion designer.


Even if you take an online course from the best one available, you may not likely be in the success stories but do keep in mind that becoming successful doesn't happen instantly, it takes a lot ofeffort. Be unwilling to give up. Fashion designing can be a tough journey and there’s always someone better than you but with patience and perseverance, and it will eventually pay off.

For more information on online fashion designing courses, get in touch with the JD Institute of Fashion Technology which offers some of the best online courses on fashion design.