Among the social and moral codes that can be found in the Quran, or the central religious text of the Islamic faith, are rules on the practice of modesty. For Muslim women of different cultures, this is broadly interpreted as covering oneself up and avoiding tight clothing, see-through clothing, and clothing of overly short length or low necklines that expose too much skin. This set of guidelines for dressing oneself modestly can also extend to the practice of simplicity. For example, flashy and extravagant adornments (like expensive designer jewelry) are also discouraged because they defeat the overall purpose of living a modest life that is pleasing to Allah.

But there’s a common misconception that others have about Islamic fashion, and it’s that the Muslim dress code requires women to wear drab or dowdy outfits. In truth, there’s no single way for a Muslim woman to dress modestly. It’s perfectly possible for a Muslimah to practice the tenets of their faith while still expressing their individuality to friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, and the rest of society. Achieving both modesty and genuine self-expression at the same time can be an empowering thing for the modern Muslim woman—and luckily, there are a lot of options in the market that can help her realise this goal. 

Are you looking for awesome new ways to style your outfits with hijabs, niqabs, shaylas, al-amiras, and dupattas? If so, here’s a list of six fashion tips that can help you build a modern, but modest Muslimah wardrobe. 

Assemble a wardrobe of modest, adaptable basics

The first thing you’ll want to do is to stock your closet with modest, adaptable basics that you can use as foundations for multiple outfits. Among the staples that every Muslimah should have in their wardrobe are long-sleeved tops with high necklines, wide-leg lounge pants, and solid-coloured maxi dresses.

There are certain fabrics and cuts that can be considered timeless for a Muslimah. One example is denim; one can look both modest and trendy when wearing denim leggings with a long top or maxi dress. The empire cut of clothing is also quite fashionable, but not too tight-fitting around the chest area. You can stock a long dress that has a tie around the waist and can be styled with an empire cut, or you can wear a belt over it.

Shoes should also be part of your ensemble. You can’t go wrong when styling an outfit with straightforward shoe basics like plain flats, wedges, sneakers, or boots.

Go for interesting colour combinations

Colour is one thing you can vary up in an outfit that features a hijab, a shayla, an al-amira, or other head covering. You can feature colour in the veil itself or incorporate more colour into the rest of your outfit.

One cool idea is to wear different shades of the same colour in the same outfit—for example, pairing a muted forest green hijab with a chic lime green dress or an olive long-sleeved top and pants. You can also try wearing a tunic and leggings that are both neutral colours, but contrast those with a more brightly coloured hijab. Don’t be afraid to experiment with colour in order to come up with fashionable, but low-key outfits. 

Incorporate different patterns and textures into your outfit

Two things that you can experiment with at length are pattern and texture. With a little variation in either of these, your outfit will look a little more complex while staying as modest as you need it to be.

Try out long pleated or paneled skirts, as well as pleated tops and tops that sport bowties or cravats. You can also wear dresses with unique prints such as paisley, pinstripes, houndstooth, plaid, polka dots, florals, or geometric shapes. Artsy and vintage looks are also in style, and you can reflect that in your outfit with a wool turtleneck or a textured notched-collar jacket over another top. Look for styles that are within your comfort zone but will help you stand out in the way you want.

Add some fashionable layers to your ensemble

The everyday Muslimah outfit incorporates several layers. Just how many layers depends on the wearer’s preference and factors like the climate. There’s a lot of fun to be had in choosing layers and adding dimension to a modest outfit.

In cold weather, you can wear a bomber jacket made of faux leather and faux fur, a trench coat, or an oversized cardigan. For more moderate days, there are classic options like a stonewashed denim jacket or fringed denim vest over a long-sleeved top. If you want to dress up for work or for a special occasion, try wearing a blazer or a double-breasted jacket with a long dress or a top-and-skirt ensemble. Choose your layers according to the occasion and according to your mood for the day.

Wear simple and functional accessories

Of course, you can also dress up your outfit using accessories. You need only remember that modesty may be best expressed with understated and functional adornments.

Luckily, there are a lot of accessory types that fit the bill and that will look great with your outfit. You can wear simple chain necklaces with small pendants around your neck, and you can sport classic earring types like pearl earrings or studs. Your daily timepiece can be a rubber sports watch, a metal bracelet watch, or a leather-strap watch, and you can pair it with a few bangles or bracelets. For sunny days, rock a pair of sunglasses with interestingly shaped frames. These will finish your outfit and add interesting details that express your personality. 

Accentuate your natural beauty with natural makeup

Lastly, it’s also all right to enhance your appearance with a little makeup. Opt for a light, natural, and “no makeup” kind of look to complement a modest outfit.

Your go-to makeup essentials can consist of foundation, lip gloss or lipstick in natural shades, and simple eyeliner and mascara. Even with just these, you will be able to accentuate your natural beauty and celebrate your Muslimah femininity.

Conclusion: Staying comfortable, stylish, and faithful through Muslimah fashion

Fashion, like faith, is a deeply personal choice for a Muslimah. Dressing up is a means of staying true and consistent to the tenets of Islam, and fashion should be a means to increase confidence in one’s identity as a Muslim woman.

Hopefully, the tips listed above can help you develop a personal aesthetic that is both modern and modest. Have fun and express yourself and your faith with fashion as your avenue!