Your custom apparel business is turning out almost exactly as you hoped.

Your clothes look great, you’re happy with the custom screen printing of your designs, your online store is ready and optimized for sales and you’re posting to your social media every day. But if your profits aren’t where you want them to be, consider focusing on getting repeat business.

How does repeat business help your profits? With the amount of time, effort and money you put into acquiring each new customer, getting your existing customers to keep buying from you is an excellent way to reduce your cost per goods sold and increase your profit margin.

Keep reading to learn how you can win customer loyalty and keep them coming back for more.

Build a Community

A great way to keep your business top-of-mind with your customers is to build a community. Use your social media pages to spark conversations that engage them around subjects that matter to you both that aren’t about selling them more products. You may want to stand behind social issues that make sense for your brand. Having those values can earn your customers’ loyalties (think Nike and Ben & Jerry’s).

Your content should follow the 80-20 rule, with 80% focused on educating, inspiring or entertaining your customers and 20% being promotional. You can also create polls that give you valuable feedback and help you make purchase decisions in the future.

And don’t forget to post user-generated content to your social pages. The shout-out can turn followers into loyal customers and brand ambassadors who will help sell your custom apparel for you.

Prioritise Customer Service

Do you remember the last time you tried to call, email, Tweet or live chat with someone from a large corporation? Most people do because they’re usually bad experiences.

If you want repeat customers who also recommend you to their friends and family, your customer service should go above and beyond.

Here are a few things you can do that show your customers their business is important to you:

Enable customers to reach you by making your contact information easy to find on your website and social media pages, then make responding to them a priority.

Listen to your customers and address any concerns as quickly as possible. You may not be able to accommodate their every wish, but most people just want to be heard and appreciate any sincere effort you make to find a solution.

Treat your team well and they’ll go the extra mile to make customers happy.

Be honest. This includes admitting to mistakes on your end.

Send your customers personalized thank you cards with their purchases.

Offer Perks and Incentives

It’s important not to spam your customers when you have their email addresses, but letting them know about new products, sales, or an exclusive event can make them feel valued and, in turn,  value their relationship with you. Consider holding an exclusive VIP event when your new line comes out or starting a rewards program.